Weinstein Defense Can Use Newsom’s Wife’s Email at Trial

Jurors in the trial of Harvey Weinstein will be allowed to hear that Jennifer Siebel Newsom, wife of California Gov. Gavin Newsom, emailed the movie magnate for advice about dealing with the media amid a scandal involving Gavin Newsom two years after Weinstein allegedly…

‘The ghost PM’: what the papers say about Liz Truss’s hold on power

Read More Chancellor Jeremy Hunt’s reversal of tax cuts and prime minister Liz Truss’s fight for survival dominated the UK front pages on Tuesday. The Guardian describes Jeremy Hunt’s tax cut reversal as “one of the most astonishing U-turns in modern political history” after the chancellor “shredded” Liz Truss’s economic plans. “Astounding U-turn on tax,” […]

Reporter’s notebook: Kyiv under attack from Putin’s new Iranian drones

A loud ‘boom’ serves as an alarm clock in Kyiv. Clothes, check. Shoes, check. Go-bag, check. It’s the same routine whenever you’re awakened by a blast. I look out the window and don’t see anything, so I look on Twitter. Multiple explosions are reported in the Ukrainian capital. After checking in with the team, I […]

Scomparsa Elnaz Rekabi, l’atleta iraniana che ha gareggiato in Corea senza velo

Read More Da alcune ore non si hanno notizie della campionessa iraniana di arrampicata Elnaz Rekabi, che la scorsa settimana ha partecipato ai campionati asiatici in Corea del Sud senza l’hijab: lo riferisce la Bbc persiana citando fonti a lei vicine che hanno detto di non riuscire a contattarla da ieri sera. Secondo le stesse […]