Expert casts doubt on reports of Russian defectors revealing Russian war crimes

Reports that Russian President Vladimir Putin is reeling from the defections of two top officials could be the result of a disinformation operation by Ukraine. “It is plausible that some Russian officials as would jump ship to the West, as the war in Ukraine is raging with no end in sight,” Rebekah Koffler, a former […]

Contro l’aborto arriva in Senato una proposta di legge di Gasparri. Pd: “Inaudito”

Read More Aborto, il centrodestra ci prova. Nonostante le smentite, sembra voler mettere mano, se non alla legge 194, alle norme che riguardano la materia. Il preannuncio di battaglia è in una proposta di legge firmata da Maurizio Gasparri e depositata in Senato. Un’iniziativa “inaudita”, protesta dal Pd la capogruppo Simona Malpezzi. Ma di cosa si tratta? […]

Tory donor’s name removed from kleptocracy report after ‘meritless’ libel threat

Read More Chatham House, the internationally renowned foreign affairs thinktank, has removed a reference to a Conservative party donor from a report on kleptocracy after a threatened legal action for libel, according to a statement made in parliament. Dame Margaret Hodge, the Labour MP for Barking and former chair of parliament’s public accounts committee, told […]

Coffins left hanging in air after second Naples cemetery collapse this year

Read More At least a dozen coffins have been left dangling in the air after the collapse of a four-storey building containing burial niches at the oldest cemetery in Naples. It is the second such incident at the site this year, with critics blaming the poor management of cemeteries in the southern Italian city. Authorities […]

Liz Truss faces unrest over public spending cuts and pensions triple lock threat

Read More Liz Truss is facing cabinet unrest over her plans for brutal public spending cuts across all departments after the disastrous mini-budget put major pledges at risk, including the pensions triple lock. The prime minister held a 90-minute cabinet meeting on Tuesday in which she warned ministers that “difficult decisions” lay ahead. The chancellor, […]

China has recruited dozens of British ex-military pilots to train Chinese counterparts: report

Dozens of British ex-military pilots have traveled to China to train their Chinese counterparts, causing alarm among western defense officials. “Without us taking action, this activity would almost certainly cause harm to the U.K. and our allies’ defense advantage,” a western security official told Sky News after the outlet released a report Tuesday that detailed […]

German cybersecurity chief fired after reports of Russian intelligence ties

The head of Germany’s national cybersecurity agency has been dismissed following reports of possible ties to Russian intelligence, the Interior Ministry said Tuesday. The ministry said that Interior Minister Nancy Faeser dismissed Arne Schoenbohm as head of the BSI agency following the allegations, which “damaged the necessary confidence of the public in the neutrality and […]