Camera e Senato, eletti i vicepresidenti. Ma il Pd perde due segretari d’aula

Read More Come da copione, ma con due colpi di scena. I nomi indicati dalla destra e dall’opposizione per i vice presidenti e i questori l’hanno spuntata sia alla Camera che al Senato, però il Pd perde due segretari d’aula. Non ce la fa alla Camera Stefano Vaccari, il responsabile dell’organizzazione, dato per certo. Né […]

Putin declares martial law in annexed areas as Ukraine pushes offensive

Read More Vladimir Putin has declared martial law in the four provinces of Ukraine where Moscow controls territory after Russian officials warned of a Ukrainian assault on the key southern city of Kherson. “We are working on solving very complex, large-scale tasks to ensure a reliable future for Russia, the future of our people,” the […]

What will new UK home secretary Grant Shapps bring to the role?

Read More Answering the question “who is Grant Shapps?” is more complicated than it would be for most MPs. The new home secretary has had a varied political career, with rapid rises and precipitous falls – serving as transport secretary, international development secretary, Conservative party chairman, housing minister and now home secretary. Upon taking up […]

South Carolina state Supreme Court hears oral arguments in abortion lawsuit

Post Content South Carolina’s state Supreme Court heard oral arguments Wednesday in a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the state’s abortion ban. S.B. 1, also known as the “South Carolina Fetal Heartbeat and Protection from Abortion Act,” currently prohibits abortions if a fetal heartbeat is heard, which is generally around six weeks after conception, with […]

Woman Charged, Accused of Freeing Swarm of Bees on Deputies

A Massachusetts woman is facing multiple assault and battery charges for allegedly releasing a swarm of bees on a group of sheriff’s deputies, some of them allergic to bee stings, as they tried to serve an eviction notice, authorities said.