Russian fighter jet releases missile near British spy plane over Black Sea

The United Kingdom’s defense ministry said Thursday that a Russian fighter jet malfunctioned and released a missile near a British spy plane over the Black Sea last month. “We don’t consider this a deliberate escalation by the Russians, our analysis would concur it was a malfunction,” UK Defense Minister Ben Wallace told the House of […]

Ucraina – Russia, le news dalla guerra oggi. Zelensky: “Catastrofe se i russi attaccano la diga Kakhovka”

Read More “La Russia sta preparando coscientemente un disastro nell’Ucraina meridionale. Hanno minato la diga e unità della centrale idroelettrica di Kakhovka“. L’allarme arriva dal presidente Volodymyr Zelensky nel suo intervento al Consiglio Europeo. L’inondazione cancellerebbe 80 centri abitati, tra cui Kherson. Centinaia di migliaia di persone sarebbero a rischio. Ma il presidente ucraino ha […]

Truss has discredited high-octane, free-market economics – perhaps for ever

Read More The last time we went through the defenestration of a Conservative prime minister – what, three months ago? – a rapid judgment soon formed. Boris Johnson’s tenure had been short, it was agreed, but it had been consequential. At first glance, a similar verdict on Liz Truss’s 45 days in office seems improbable. […]

What Kevin McCarthy can learn from Liz Truss

Post Content “A book is being written about the Prime Minister’s time in office,” chided British Labour Party Leader Keir Starmer earlier this week. “Apparently it’s going to be out by Christmas. Is that the release date or the title?” Starmer’s jab at British Prime Minister Liz Truss was way off. He picked the wrong […]

La fedeltà all’Europa è un caso. E il Ppe “licenzia” Berlusconi

Read More BRUXELLES – Non è più solo il “caso Berlusconi”. Ormai è il “caso Italia”. Esploso al di fuori dei confini nazionali. Ieri è approdato formalmente nella riunione del Ppe, il principale gruppo del Parlamento europeo. Di cui fa parte anche Forza Italia. L’occasione è la riunione che prepara il Consiglio europeo, presente anche la […]

21 October 2022

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Portland police union boss slams Oregon gov candidate’s claim to support law enforcement: ‘simply not true’

Post Content The Portland Police Association’s president on Thursday criticized Oregon gubernatorial candidate Tina Kotek for claiming during the previous night’s debate that she has always been a supporter of law enforcement. Kotek, a Democrat, made the comments during a debate with her challengers – Republican Christine Drazan and independent Betsy Johnson. On the question […]

Angry protesters crash Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s town hall in her own home district

Post Content Protesters on Wednesday crashed a town hall event for Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., which took place in her own backyard of Queens. Footage shows some protesters chanting “AOC has got to go” while others silently hold signs and stare at the controversial Democrat. Ocasio-Cortez herself sat on the edge of a stage and […]