Covid Italia, bollettino del 20 ottobre: 40.563 nuovi casi e 84 morti

Read More Nelle ultime 24 ore si sono rgistrati 40.563 nuovi casi di Covid contro i 41.712 di ieri. I decessi sono 84 contro gli 81 dell’aggiornamento precedente. Il tasso di positività è sceso dal 17,9% al 17,7%. Sono 242 i pazienti ricoverati in terapia intensiva (ieri erano 251), nel bilancio tra entrate e uscite, […]

CCP States It Will Continue Opening Up During Party Congress, But Experts Skeptical

Read More Chinese Communist Party (CCP) authorities stated during the party congress that China would open up more in the future. However, experts have expressed skepticism. On Oct. 17, Zhao Chenxin, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) of the regime, said at a press conference that it’s a misconception that China […]

Slaying dragons: In search of self

Read More Melinda Ferguson doesn’t mince her words. She masticates them with precision into sweet-sour smoothies of jaw-dropping experience. She sips them sometimes with measured control; other times she spurts them out in staccato, bulimic episodes – a throwback to the eating disorders and addictions she suffered for many years before her redemption as a […]

It’s time the Gunners revisited Rwanda

Read More Visit Rwanda sponsorship logo on the arm of an Arsenal short during the Premier League match between Chelsea FC and Arsenal FC at Stamford Bridge on August 18, 2018 in London, United Kingdom. (Photo by Matthew Ashton – AMA/Getty Images) The other day I was wearing my Arsenal shirt in a restaurant, and […]

‘We are sleepwalking into a constitutional crisis’

Read More Democracy Development Program (DDP), in partnership with Rivonia Circle and the Mail & Guardian hosted a webinar, the Electoral Amendment Bill and the Case for Electoral Reform in South Africa, on 13 October. Joining DDP senior programs officer Sphamandla Mhlongo in this hard-hitting conversation were electoral systems researcher Letlhogonolo Letshele and independent elections […]

Did Liz Truss mislead the public about her husband’s secretive work?

Read More MPs and transparency campaigners have urged the United Kingdom’s prime minister to explain her husband’s links to an elite property fixer after discrepancies emerged in her official transparency records. The revelations come as Liz Truss battles to remain in power after just 38 days in the job, having scrapped the tax policies that […]

European press blames Brexit for UK political ‘insanity’

Read More Six years on from the Brexit referendum, continental commentators have become used to Westminster meltdowns, but many see in the latest cataclysm the finale of a project that was always divorced from reality. For the French newspaper Lib?ration, there is “decidedly something rancid in the Tories’ tea”. The paper’s former London correspondent Sonia […]

Ohio Senate race: Tim Ryan vents ‘frustration’ that national Democrats aren’t putting more money behind him

Post Content Ohio Democratic Senate candidate Tim Ryan lamented the lack of cooperation between his campaign and national-level Democrats, in an interview published Wednesday. Ryan is running for a Senate seat in Ohio against Republican candidate JD Vance. Ryan, who has previously complained about a lack of coordination among Democrats nationally, statewide and locally, questioned […]

Prime Minister Liz Truss quits as UK’s Tories in chaos

Read More British Prime Minister Liz Truss on Thursday dramatically announced her resignation just six weeks after taking office. Truss bowed to the inevitable after her right-wing platform of tax cuts disintegrated and as many MPs among the ruling Conservatives revolted. Speaking in Downing Street, Truss said she would stay on as prime minister until […]