Il giallo sulla nomina di Zangrillo: “Io all’Ambiente? L’ho saputo dalla tv. Poi mi ha chiamato Berlusconi ed è cambiato tutto”

Read More Senatore Paolo Zangrillo, lei è stato nominato ministro. Ma di cosa? “Ora lo so con certezza. Mi occuperò di pubblica amministrazione”. Perché la presidente del consiglio, nel leggere al Quirinale la lista degli esponenti del suo governo, le ha attribuito la delega all’Ambiente e alla sicurezza energetica? “Ah guardi, non lo so”. Proviamo […]

Minnesota GOP secretary of state wants to mandate proofreading for every county’s ballots

Post Content The Minnesota Legislature should mandate that the secretary of state’s office proofread every county’s ballots before they’re mailed out, Republican challenger Kim Crockett said Thursday as she decried ballot printing errors in four counties. Crockett acknowledged that state law does not require the secretary of state’s office to review the ballots of each […]

Hong Kong’s Leader Admits Loss of 140,000 Workers in Past Two Years

Read More On Oct. 19, Hong Kong Chief Executive John Lee Ka-chiu released his first Policy Address since he took office on July 1, 2022. The report focused on importing talent and housing policies. The “Top Talent Pass Scheme” will be launched to attract talent from abroad. At the same time, he proposed to increase […]