Il ministero Famiglia e natalità, quello del Mare, Sovranità alimentare e made in Italy. Meloni presenta il suo governo: Sangiuliano alla cultura, Crosetto alla Difesa

Read More 21 ottobre 2022 <iframe class=”rep-video-embed” src=”″ width=”640″ height=”360″ frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no”></iframe> Ventiquattro ministeri, uno in più del governo Draghi. Ma cambiano alcune deleghe e i nomi di alcuni dicasteri: lo Sviluppo economico diventa il ministero delle Imprese e del Made in Italy, quello […]

I ministri del nuovo governo Meloni: tutti i nomi

Read More La leader di Fratelli d’Italia Giorgia Meloni ha accettato l’incarico senza riserva. Ecco la lista dei ministri del suo governo. Domani alle 10 il giuramento. ECONOMIA: Giancarlo Giorgetti ESTERI e VICEPREMIER: Antonio Tajani DIFESA: Guido Crosetto INTERNO: Matteo Piantedosi GIUSTIZIA:  Carlo Nordio IMPRESE E MADE IN ITALY (EX SVILUPPO ECONOMICO): Adolfo Urso AMBIENTE […]

Japan’s Inflation Hits 8-year High in Test of BOJ’s Dovish Policy

Read More TOKYO—Japan’s core consumer inflation rate accelerated to a fresh eight-year high of 3.0 percent in September, challenging the central bank’s resolve to retain its ultra-easy policy stance as the yen’s slump to 32-year lows continue to push up import costs. The inflation data highlights the dilemma the Bank of Japan faces as it […]

Boris Johnson is back … from his three post-resignation holidays

Read More If Boris Johnson is about to make a fresh campaign for 10 Downing Street, he should certainly be refreshed. Since he resigned as prime minister in early July, he appears to have been on three foreign holidays – the latest trip being to the Caribbean. The former prime minister is now said to […]

‘Such a letdown of democracy’: clamour grows for early UK general election

Read More The UK government is facing mounting calls to hold a general election as voters demand a say in who runs the country. Keir Starmer, the Labour leader, is leading the campaign, arguing the country cannot afford “another experiment at the top of the Tory party”, with voters also believing it is time to […]

‘Like being in a cult’: MPs on the seven days that brought down Liz Truss

Read More There are countless indignities in becoming the briefest-serving UK prime minister of all time, and a new one arrived on Friday morning when a No 10 official was able to confirm that Liz Truss had moved into the Downing Street flat – but not whether she had had enough time to fully unpack. […]

Steve Bannon sentenced to 4 months in prison for contempt of Congress

Post Content Former Trump White House official Steve Bannon has been sentenced to four months in prison and a $6,500 fine for contempt of Congress. Bannon was found guilty of contempt of Congress in July after he ignored a subpoena from the House Jan. 6 committee. “I want to say one thing — I respect […]