“Colle migliori intenzioni” Meloni da Mattarella, nasce il governo di destracentro? Ospiti: Sisto (FI) e Zan (Pd). Con le nostre firme Live

Read More https://video.repubblica.it/metropolis/metropolis197-l-incarico-meloni-al-colle-nasce-il-governo-di-destracentro-ospiti-sisto-e-zan-con-le-nostre-firme/429954/430908?rss <iframe class=”rep-video-embed” src=”https://video.repubblica.it/embed/metropolis/metropolis197-l-incarico-meloni-al-colle-nasce-il-governo-di-destracentro-ospiti-sisto-e-zan-con-le-nostre-firme/429954/430908&width=640&height=360″ width=”640″ height=”360″ frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no”></iframe> Verso il governo. Dopo le consultazioni della mattina Giorgia Meloni è convocata al Colle per le 16.30. Accetterà con o senza riserva? C’è la lista dei ministri? Se il presidente Sergio Mattarella li accetta, domani mattina potrebbero andare a giurare al […]

Two years later and still no justice for murdered activist

Read More It has been two years since environmental activist and human rights defender Fikile Ntshangase, was silenced with six bullets and yet no one has been held accountable for her murder, Amnesty International South Africa said ahead of the anniversary of her death.  Ntshangase was gunned down in her home at Ophondweni, near Mtubatuba […]

What’s ‘moral’ about a war against common sense?

Read More Tautology is the grammatical device separating South Africa’s wealthiest woman Wendy Appelbaum from slain Cape Flats Hard Livings gangster boss Rashied Staggie. Both did — and Appelbaum still does — profit from recreational drugs. One is lauded; the other condemned.  Tautology’s stylistic fault is repeating the same meaning using different words, such as […]

How zero-waste strategies could cut emissions from the sector by 84%

Read More Landfills are the third largest man-made source of methane, a greenhouse gas more potent than carbon dioxide. (Eryn Scannell/GroundUp) Landfills are the third largest man-made source of methane, a greenhouse gas more potent than carbon dioxide. The waste sector accounts for 3.3% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Currently, 70% of waste is put […]

‘Disgrace’: world’s press react to Truss resignation and UK political turmoil

Read More Liz Truss’s resignation after just 45 days in office has made waves across Europe and beyond, with commentators and politicians alike questioning how Britain could have fallen so far, so fast – and with most blaming Brexit. “Prime minister’s departure plunges Britain into profound and unprecedented political crisis,” was the headline in Le […]

Ben Wallace rules himself out for PM and suggests he would back Johnson

Read More Boris Johnson is building support in the Tory leadership race with the backing of defence secretary, Ben Wallace, who ruled himself out of the contest. Wallace, who is popular with Conservative members, said he “would lean towards” supporting Johnson. “I think he will still have some questions to answer about that [Partygate] investigation,” […]

Philadelphia DA Krasner claims Republican focus on city crime is ‘racist messaging’

Post Content Speaking from the Pennsylvania State Capitol Friday morning, Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner claimed Republicans’ focus on city crime ahead of the November midterm elections amounts to “racist messaging.” Krasner, 61, made the comments while holding a press conference on the Capitol steps to address the state House Select Committee’s investigation of his […]