Covid Italia, il bollettino del 22 ottobre: 31.775 nuovi casi e 92 morti

Read More Nelle ultime 24 ore in Italia 31.775 nuovi casi e 92 morti. Sabato scorso si erano contati 38.969 contagi. Ieri sono stati effettuati 195.575 tamponi. Il tasso di positività è al 16,2% (-0,7%). Sette in meno i ricoveri nelle terapie intensive (il totale è 227). Nei reparti ordinari ci sono 29 pazienti in […]

From fighter to quitter: the ‘weird’ rise and fall of Liz Truss

Read More It may not have been the most troubling feature of Liz Truss’s premiership but the need to check whether she was still in office was a gathering distraction for anyone, including her cabinet colleagues, interested in who was running the country. A month ago, after the disastrous mini-budget, no one was sure if […]

Tory leadership race: what happens next?

Read More With nominations for the next Conservative party leader and prime minister well under way, Rishi Sunak was in the lead on Saturday, having already passed the 100 threshold, followed by Boris Johnson and Penny Mordaunt. But what happens next? As the party prepares to choose its third leader in little more than six […]

UK economic outlook downgraded to ‘negative’ by rating agency

Read More The UK’s economic outlook has been downgraded from “stable” to “negative” by the rating agency Moody’s because of political instability and high inflation. Moody’s said the change in outlook was driven by “heightened unpredictability in policymaking amid weaker growth prospects and high inflation” and “risks to the UK’s debt affordability from likely higher […]