Ex-Tory MP says party looks ‘incompetent, tin-eared’ and self-obsessed

Read More Conservative MPs look “incompetent, tin-eared” and obsessed with their own fortunes rather than what’s best for the country, former Cabinet Office minister Sir David Lidington has said. In an opinion piece for the Guardian, the former Conservative MP for Aylesbury addressed fellow Tories about to nominate their third party leader in almost four […]

Gp Usa, Sainz subito fuori: tamponato al via da Russell e Hamilton

Read More È subito finito il Gp Usa per Carlos Sainz. Il ferrarista, partito dalla pole, è stato superato da Verstappen e quindi tamponato due volte. Prima da Russell e poi da Hamilton. La sua gara è terminata dopo neanche un giro a causa della foratura della gomma e di altri danni meccanici effetto del testacoda e […]

State Dept Defends $20K Grant for Ecuador ‘Drag Theater’ Shows

The State Department is pushing back against criticism of a $20,600 grant for a cultural center in Ecuador to host “drag theater performances,” arguing the money would provide LGBTQ people in the South American country an outlet “to express themselves freely.”

In corso a Roma il primo incontro di Macron con Meloni: prove di dialogo tra i due leader

Read More ROMA – Emmanuel Macron incontra Giorgia Meloni poche ore dopo essere atterrato a Roma. Il primo faccia a faccia tra i due leader, in corso in questi minuti, è stato programmato a margine dell’incontro internazionale ‘Il grido della Pace’ organizzato dalla comunità di Sant’Egidio. Macron si era detto qualche giorno fa “pronto a lavorare” […]

Tories willing to cut Rishi Sunak some slack but same tough choices remain

Read More More than 150 Conservative MPs have come to view Rishi Sunak as their saviour from the threatened return of a scandal-mired Boris Johnson. But when Sunak was at his lowest point this year, after revelations about his family’s tax affairs, some of his closest supporters were unsure whether he really wanted to be […]