Rishi Sunak will not attend Cop27 climate summit

Read More Rishi Sunak will not attend the Cop27 climate summit, Downing Street has said, despite the new British prime minister having promised this week to prioritise the environment. His predecessor, Liz Truss, had reportedly planned to go to at least one day of the summit, but Sunak’s spokesperson said he had “other pressing domestic […]

Canadair si schianta sulle pendici dell’Etna

Read More Un Canadair è precipitato alle pendici dell’Etna, nella zona di Linguaglossa, dove era in azione per contribuire allo spegnimento di un vasto incendio. Non si hanno al momento notizie sull’equipaggio né sulle cause dell’incidente. Sul posto sono presenti soccorritori, carabinieri e personale del 118. In base a una prima ricostruzione, il Canadair ha […]

Covid italia il bollettino del 27 ottobre 2022: 31.760 nuovi casi e 94 morti

Read More Ancora in calo la curva epidemica in Italia. Sono 31.760 i nuovi casi di Covid nelle ultime 24 ore, contro i 35.043 di ieri e soprattutto i 40.563 di giovedì scorso.I tamponi processati sono 205.738 (ieri 216.735) con un tasso di positività che dal 16,2% scende al 15,4%. I decessi sono 94 (ieri […]

Poverty reduces role of oomakhulu

Read More A few months ago while I was in Johannesburg, I walked from Parktown to Rosebank Mall I was struck by the number of oomakhulu (older women) begging on the side of the road and isidima sabo (their inherent dignity), despite the dehumanising effects of poverty that had led them to the roadside in […]

Eddie Izzard rules out appearing on all-women Labour MP shortlists

Read More Eddie Izzard has said she would not try to be selected as an MP using an all-women shortlist for the Labour party, and “isn’t sure” that transgender women should be allowed to run on them. Izzard, 60, who became famous as a cross-dressing comedian and now identifies as a gender-fluid trans woman, has […]