Russia threatens to target Western commercial satellites like Elon Musk’s Starlink

Russian foreign ministry spokesman Konstantin Vorontsov this week threatened to target Western commercial satellites, like Telsa CEO Elon Musk’s Starlink, during a U.N. General Assembly meeting. Musk’s space exploration program, SpaceX, has donated roughly 20,000 Starlink satellites, for Kyiv’s use since Russia invaded Ukraine, at a cost that is expected to exceed $100 million by […]

Un attacco a tre punte per i nuovi progressisti

Read More Penso che l’errore più grande che il Pd potrebbe fare in questo momento sia quello di impostare il dibattito sulla sconfitta come una fuga dalla responsabilità della politica nelle rassicuranti e un po’ narcisistiche astrattezze dell’ideologia. D’accordo, le elezioni il Pd le ha perse per tutte le ragioni cosmico-storiche che sempre si invocano […]

The desire to improve people’s lives drives the move for Western Cape independence

Read More South Africa is a failing state. Its increasingly dysfunctional national government can no longer fulfil many of the essential constitutional functions required of it.  It cannot adequately maintain infrastructure such as the road and rail networks. It cannot provide sufficient electricity through its state-owned monopoly Eskom. It cannot keep its citizens free from […]

John Fetterman had narrow advantage over Oz prior to ‘painful’ debate performance: poll

Post Content Democratic Senate candidate John Fetterman enjoyed a narrow lead over Republican opponent Dr. Mehmet Oz prior to his “painful” debate performance on Tuesday, according to a Thursday poll from Franklin & Marshall College. The poll, conducted from October 14-23, found that Fetterman enjoyed 49% support from likely voters, while Oz secured 45%. Oz […]

La sinistra ricominci dalla cura dei ragazzi

Read More La sinistra o è lungimirante e visionaria o non è. O è capace di mettere in pratica e rendere concreti e sperimentabili qui e ora alcuni frammenti di un futuro più giusto e capace di contrastare le discriminazioni, o non è credibile e non raccoglierà attorno a sé i diversi bisogni e desideri […]

La Bce alza i tassi dello 0,75%: “In arrivo nuovi aumenti”

Read More MILANO – La Banca Centrale Europea alza ulteriormente il muro contro la crescita dell’inflazione. Nella riunione di oggi il consiglio direttivo ha deciso un aumento di 75 punti base dei tassi di interesse. Una decisione in linea con le attese del mercato.  Il tasso principale sale al 2%, il tasso sui depositi all’ […]

State reinstates charges against rhino poacher Gideon van Deventer

Read More The national prosecuting authority (NPA) has reinstated charges and re-enrolled an eight-year-old case against known rhino poacher Gideon (aka Deon) van Deventer, after it emerged the original case had been quashed and struck from the roll under dubious circumstances. The state’s 2014 Bronkhorstspruit firearms case against Van Deventer was re-opened in June this […]