Russian lawmakers pass bill to ban ‘propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations’

Russian lawmakers gave preliminary approval Thursday to a bill that imposes tough new restrictions on activities to promote LGBTQ rights in the country. A 2013 Russian law banned what authorities deem to be the “propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations” to children. It has been used to stifle debate in any public context and to prevent […]

Qatar ditches World Cup COVID test requirement

World Cup host Qatar has scrapped a requirement for visitors to obtain a negative COVID-19 test before departing for the Gulf Arab state, its health ministry said in a statement on Wednesday. Previously, Qatar had told fans attending the World Cup they must show proof of a negative COVID-19 test regardless of their vaccination status, […]

FORE: Clip of Tiger Woods mistakenly included in campaign ad advocating for the death penalty

Post Content Republican Kris Kobach, the party’s nominee for Kansas attorney general, released a campaign ad Thursday advocating the use of capital punishment for “cop killers” and “mass murderers,” but mistakenly included a clip of pro-golfer Tiger Woods’ 2017 DUI arrest in the ad’s footage. The ad, titled, “Just Intentional,” slammed Kobach’s opponent, Democrat Chris […]

Pennsylvania Senate candidate Fetterman praised Krasner for eliminating cash bail in 2018

Post Content Republican Senate candidate Dr. Mehmet Oz highlighted an April 2018 video showing his opponent, Lt. Gov. John Fetterman, endorsing policies to eliminate cash bail and refusing to prosecute marijuana crimes. Fetterman called such policies “commonsense” while talking about Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner in 2018. “I really have been enjoying watching Larry Krasner, […]

Eric Toney and Josh Kaul debate abortion prosecutions, crime, and election law

Post Content Republican attorney general hopeful Eric Toney tried Thursday to walk back his call to allow district attorneys to cross jurisdictional lines to prosecute abortions, claiming during a debate with Democratic incumbent Josh Kaul that he never made such a proposal. Toney told PBS Wisconsin for an interview posted earlier this month that the […]