Guantanamo Bay’s oldest prisoner freed, returns to Pakistan

Guantanamo Bay detention center’s oldest prisoner was released from U.S. custody on Saturday and returned to Pakistan. Saifullah Paracha, 75, was in custody since 2003 on suspicion of being tied to al Qaeda while never being charged for a crime. In May, he was notified that his release was approved, being among two other men […]

Ucraina – Russia, le news dalla guerra oggi. Biden: “Scandalosa la sospensione di Mosca dell’accordo sul grano”

Read More È sempre più alta la tensione nel conflitto. L’Ucraina ha attaccato la flotta russa a Sebastopoli, in Crimea, colpendo quattro navi. Mosca accusa la Gran Bretagna: secondo il ministero della Difesa, Londra avrebbe contribuito alla preparazione dell’attacco con i droni. Come risposta la Russia considera sospeso l’accordo sul grano a “tempo indeterminato”. Decisione […]

Investigative Reporter Reveals CCP’s Legacy of Environmental Destruction in China

Read More During the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) 20th national congress, China’s ruling regime claimed that they have been more effective in managing the environment over the past decade, citing official data. However, a Chinese investigative journalist revealed that the deterioration of the environment in mainland China is shocking and may not recover for decades. […]