Essere di sinistra vuol dire produrre valore

Read More A chi non è frastornato dal lancio di coltelli, cui si dedicano reciprocamente i gruppi dirigenti della sinistra, appare chiaro che la sinistra sta arrivando sul crinale dirimente delle “decisioni irrevocabili”: “Che cosa è sinistra?”. Non è facile rispondere, perché grande è la confusione sotto il cielo, se il neo-ministro dell’Istruzione e del […]

Government tests energy blackout emergency plans as supply fears grow

Read More The government has “war gamed” emergency plans to cope with energy blackouts lasting up to seven days in the event of a national power outage amid growing fears over security of supply this winter. The Guardian has seen documents, marked “official sensitive”, which warn that in a “reasonable worst-case scenario” all sectors including […]

Peace talks regarding Ethiopia’s Tigray conflict extended into this week

Peace talks between warring sides on Ethiopia’s Tigray conflict have been extended into this week, while the country’s prime minister complained in comments broadcast Monday about “lots of intervention from left and right” in the process. An official familiar with the arrangements for the talks confirmed that discussions continued in South Africa between Ethiopia’s federal […]

Greece: Dozens of migrants missing after boat capsizes off coast

Greece’s coast guard searched Tuesday for dozens of migrants reported missing after the overloaded sailboat they were on capsized and sank in rough seas off an island near Athens, authorities said. The incident overnight was the latest in a series of recent shipwrecks involving migrant boats that have left dozens of people dead or missing […]