Dems pivot to debunked Social Security talking point in run-up to midterms

Post Content In a last-ditch effort to hold onto their razor-thin majorities in Congress, Democrats are reviving an old Social Security talking point that has been repeatedly debunked by fact-checkers. “They’re coming after Social Security,” Biden said Thursday in New York. “Now it sounds like, you know, ‘What’s – there’s Biden. That’s a typical Democrat […]

Supreme Court clears way for Sen. Lindsey Graham to testify in Georgia probe

Post Content The Supreme Court declined Sen. Lindsey Graham’s request to block a subpoena ordering him to testify before a special grand jury investigating allegations of tampering in the 2020 presidential election by then-President Donald Trump. Lower courts had already denied requests for a pause by Sen. Graham, R-S.C., who is now scheduled to testify […]

Antisemitism watchdog slams AOC over tweet targeting pro-Israel org: ‘shows her true colors’

Post Content An antisemitism watchdog is slamming Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., for showing her “true colors” in calling out the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), a lobbying group that promotes the U.S.-Israel alliance, for actively opposing a democratic socialist candidate in Pennsylvania. According to a new Federal Election Commission filing, AIPAC’s United Democracy Project […]

Brazil Election: Bolsonaro yet to address tense nation, as protesters block roadways

BRASILIA, Brazil – Uncertainty was abounded in Brazil Tuesday, as incumbent President Jair Bolsonaro continued to maintain silence, as it was reported that he was seeking to meet with justices of the country’s Supreme Court to discuss issues of perceived bias in the election. Other sources reported that the justices of the Supreme Court would […]