China’s strict COVID-19 policies ‘indirectly killed’ son, father says

The father of a 3-year-old boy who died on Tuesday from carbon monoxide poisoning in northwest China said strict COVID-19 policies “indirectly killed” his son by causing delays obtaining treatment, in a case that has sparked social media outrage. The boy’s death is the latest incident to trigger blowback over China’s strict zero-COVID policy, with […]

Myanmar court finds ex-lawmaker guilty of terrorism, sentenced to 148 years in prison

A court in military-ruled Myanmar has found a former lawmaker from ousted leader Aung San Suu Kyi’s party guilty of terrorism and given him a 148-year prison sentence, which added to previous convictions extends his total prison term to 173 years, a person familiar with the case said Wednesday. The sentence handed Win Myint Hlaing, […]

Tennessee officials say 200-plus votes cast for wrong Nashville races

Post Content More than 200 votes have been cast in the wrong places in Nashville since early voting began in Tennessee, election officials said Wednesday. A review by the office of Davidson County Election Administrator Jeff Roberts found that 190 voters cast ballots in the wrong congressional race, 16 cast votes in a wrong state […]

Study: Majority of Dry Shampoos Contain Cancer Causing Benzene

Researchers at a Connecticut laboratory report that seven out of ten dry shampoos tested — still on grocery store shelves today — contain detectable levels of the cancer-causing chemical benzene, even after a recall of a dozen popular brands was already issued.

Texas authorities stop Uber driver smuggling several illegal immigrants

Post Content Texas law enforcement announced this week that it stopped a human smuggling attempt by an Uber driver, as authorities continue to stop smugglers from getting illegal immigrants into the U.S. Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) said the incident occurred on Thursday when a DPS trooper stopped a black Jeep SUV for a […]

NHS England in worse place now than in early days of Covid, says boss

Read More The NHS in England is facing even tougher challenges now than when Covid-19 struck, the service’s boss has said. The many problems confronting the health service meant it was harder now for it to do its job, and it would become even more difficult, said Amanda Pritchard, NHS England’s chief executive. “When I […]

Mining giant Glencore flew cash bribes to Africa via private jet, UK court hears

Read More Glencore flew cash bribes to officials in Africa via private jet amid “endemic” corruption within the mining company, a London court has heard, in sentencing of the first ever UK corporate conviction on charges of bribing another person. Third-party agents used Glencore’s money to bribe officials in Nigeria, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Equatorial Guinea […]

GOP wins ‘ballot box transparency’ lawsuit in Green Bay, Wisconsin

Post Content A Wisconsin judge on Wednesday granted the Republican National Committee’s request for a temporary injunction ordering the county clerk to stop violating state laws that allow the public to observe the election and voting process, including during in-person absentee voting. The judge approved the RNC request just hours after it was filed, which […]