Ucraina – Russia, le news dalla guerra oggi. Reazione Nato ai missili russi caduti in Polonia. Varsavia mette l’esercito in stato di allerta

Read More La guerra supera i confini ucraini e piomba in territorio Nato. Durante l’attacco missilistico più grave lanciato dai russi  – novanta missili in un solo giorno – un’esplosione nel villaggio polacco di Przewodov a pochi chilometri dal confine ha ucciso due persone alzando alle stelle la tensione. La Polonia ha messo l’esercito in […]

Rishi Sunak to meet China’s Xi Jinping in first such talks in five years

Read More Rishi Sunak will extend Britain’s hand to China for the first time in almost five years, asking for closer relations on energy and the economy, in a move that risks a backlash from Conservative MPs who have had sanctions imposed upon them by Beijing. Sunak will meet the Chinese president, Xi Jinping, at […]

Billions funneled to green agenda one year after Biden signed infrastructure law

Post Content The Biden administration on Tuesday celebrated the tens of billions of dollars in environmental spending in the year since President Biden signed the $1.2 trillion Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. The White House said the law, which Biden signed Nov. 15, 2021, has released a “once-in-a-generation investment” in U.S. infrastructure, citing rebuilt roads […]

What to expect as Democrats retain the Senate for the next two years

Post Content The 2022 midterms elections proved to be disappointing for Republicans as Democrats were able to hold onto their Senate majority even amid President Biden’s record-low approval ratings. Typically, the party for a first-term president does not do well in midterm elections. Moreover, polling and other data indicated that Democrats were behind in key […]

Judge blocks US from using Title 42 to expel migrants

Post Content A federal judge issued an order on Tuesday barring federal authorities from using Title 42, a Trump-era rule that allowed the U.S. to quickly expel migrants who crossed the border. U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan called the policy “arbitrary and capricious” in his ruling on Tuesday. Immigration is at the top of the […]

FDA: Opioid reversal drug might be safe for over-the-counter use

Opioid overdose reversal drug naloxone may be safe and effective for over-the-counter use in some forms, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said on Tuesday, potentially paving the way for its use federally. The FDA would still require data on individual products from manufacturers for them to be available over the counter at a […]