Alaa Abd el-Fattah has broken hunger strike, sister says

Read More The family of Egyptian-British activist Alaa Abd el-Fattah have said that he has broken his hunger strike, according to a letter posted on Twitter by his sister Sanaa Seif. “I’ve broken my strike. I’ll explain everything on Thursday,” the letter dated Monday said, according to the tweet. The note said: “How are you, […]

Meloni, quasi un’ora di colloquio con Biden. Via della Seta e gas la posta in gioco per l’unica donna premier al vertice g20 a Bali

Read More BALI (INDONESIA) – Fosse per il sottosegretario alla Presidenza del Consiglio Giovanbattista Fazzolari – che consiglia da sempre Giorgia Meloni – l’Italia dovrebbe candidarsi a diventare l’avamposto atlantico dell’Europa occidentale, la Polonia del quadrante Ovest del Continente. A Bali per il suo primo G20 da presidente del Consiglio, la leader prova ad avvicinare […]

AfricaCom 2022: Huawei launches transformative fintech offering to revolutionise mobile money

Read More Huawei last week announced the launch of an innovative fintech offering, which is set to revolutionise mobile money in Africa, aiming to increase financial inclusion and greatly improve the consumer’s digital user experience. Called Fintech 2.0, the product was announced at AfricaCom, Africa’s largest technology gathering.   The solution will also empower micro, small, […]

2022 World Cup: What’s the deal in group D?

Read More The Fifa World Cup brings the possibility of upsets, unforeseeable circumstances and the teeth-grinding vexation of controversy. It also brings contenders to a table that has often allowed only European and South American nations as diners. The Mail & Guardian will look at each group before the competition begins to determine who might […]

Republican senators predict McConnell has backing to remain party leader

Post Content Republican senators say Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has strong odds of keeping his post atop the conference despite simmering discontent among some members and a push to delay leadership elections. “Heavens, yes. Yes,” Sen. Cynthia Lummis, R-Wyo. – who supports moving back Republican leadership elections – said when asked if McConnell, R-Ky., […]

Omicidio ambasciatore Attanasio, chiesto il processo per due dipendenti Onu

Read More La Procura di Roma ha chiesto il rinvio a giudizio di due dipendenti del Programma alimentare mondiale (Pam), agenzia dell’Onu, per la vicenda legata alla morte dell’ambasciatore italiano Luca Attanasio e del carabiniere Vittorio Iacovacci, uccisi in Congo il 22 febbraio dell’anno scorso. Nei confronti di Rocco Leone e Mansour Luguru Rwagaza, il […]

OneRepublic hits South African stages in November

Read More South African concert-goers often get left out when artists announce dates for their “world tours”, but that’s not the case for OneRepublic, which announced three tour dates in the country.  The Grammy-nominated band, known for their magical stage presence, flashing visuals, and guitarists who strut their stuff across the stage, will perform on […]

Pipe dream or possibility? The quest for universal healthcare in Africa

Read More Universal healthcare is something few countries have managed to get right. The funding, logistics and skills required are extensive and implementation is downright impossible without a high level of connected infrastructure development to support this.  In Africa, all the above are a problem. As a result, universal healthcare on the continent remains a […]