Raising council tax to fund social care will deepen inequality in UK, experts warn

Read More Jeremy Hunt’s decision to fund more social care through increases in council tax will deepen inequality and undermine the cause of “levelling up”, the architect of the government’s planned reforms said last night. The criticism from Andrew Dilnot, the economist whose blueprint for reform was delayed by another two years in Hunt’s first […]

Ron DeSantis receives multiple standing ovations at first major GOP 2024 presidential cattle call

Post Content LAS VEGAS – Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis highlighted his landslide re-election victory and his conservative crude against what he calls “woke ideology” in an energetic speech that brought a crowd of leading Republican activists and donors to their feet numerous times. “We’ve accomplished more over a four-year period than anybody thought possible,” DeSantis […]

Campaigns hold a mirror to the ANC

Read More “My ambition is my people,” quipped Tokyo Sexwale back in 2007. The former premier of Gauteng, who had turned businessman, was on a campaign trail, canvassing for the presidency of the ANC. His candidature dubbed the “third option” or “third way”, was presented as the alternative to Thabo Mbeki and Jacob Zuma.  Mbeki, […]

Why Africa is standing still at the World Cup

Read More It’s time for that quadrennial question: can an African side finally leap the cobweb-draped quarterfinal hurdle at this World Cup? This time around, most African football experts would answer the question with a rueful shrug. The football power of Africa is at a disconcertingly low ebb. And Senegal, the continent’s most credible contenders […]

Liberals on Twitter fume after Musk reinstates Trump to platform: ‘God help us’

Post Content Liberal pundits, celebrities, and other verified Twitter users erupted with frustration after Twitter CEO Elon Musk reinstated the account of former President Donald Trump on Saturday night. “I hate this man so much,” Democratic communications specialist Keith Edwards tweeted shortly after Musk announced that Trump would be allowed back on the platform. “Elon […]

Michael Walzer: “Noi progressisti siamo lontani dalla gente”

Read More NEW YORK. Il filosofo di Princeton Michael Walzer è impenitente: “Sono un vecchio di sinistra, e penso che lo sforzo di Biden per rianimare le politiche del New Deal sia la strategia giusta. In tutto il mondo i progressisti dovrebbero puntare sulle proposte socialdemocratiche, per riconquistare il loro elettorato naturale e la classe […]

Twitter lifts Donald Trump ban after Elon Musk’s poll

Read More Donald Trump’s Twitter account appeared to be back online after a slim majority of votes were cast, in a Twitter poll organised by Elon Musk, in favour of reinstating the former US president, who was banned from the social media service for inciting violence. Slightly more than 15 million votes were counted in […]