Musk says Twitter personnel may have interfered with Brazil’s election to help left wing candidates
Twitter CEO Elon Musk suggested Saturday morning that Twitter possibly interfered in Brazil’s recent contentious presidential election. “I’ve seen a lot of concerning tweets about the recent Brazil election,” Musk wrote on the platform he took control of in October just days before the election. “If those tweets are accurate, it’s possible that Twitter personnel […]
Defense Secretary Austin says US ‘will not let’ China reshape Indo-Pacific region
Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin delivered a strong warning to China at a Saturday event saying that its efforts to reshape the region will not be allowed by the United States. “The PRC is the only country with both the will and increasingly the power to reshape its region and the international order to suit […]
Putin ally’s $200 million superyacht to be auctioned to benefit Ukraine
Since the beginning of the Ukraine war in February, sanctions against oligarchs close to Russian President Vladimir Putin have been used as a tool to put pressure on Russia. Assets affected thus far have included yachts, luxury planes and lavish residences throughout the world. According to a Wednesday press release from the Ukrainian government, the […]
Iran reviewing mandatory headscarf law amid ongoing protests
Read More Iranian authorities said they would review a decades-old law that requires women to cover their heads, as the country struggles to quell more than two months of protests linked to the dress code. “Both parliament and the judiciary are working [on the issue],” of whether the law needs any changes, Iran’s attorney general […]
Ucraina – Russia, le news dalla guerra oggi. Kiev, innalzata bandiera ucraina su riva sinistra Kherson
Read More I combattenti dell’unità speciale “Karlson” hanno innalzato la bandiera ucraina sulla riva sinistra della regione di Kherson. Lo annunciano le forze armate ucraine, come riporta Ukrinform, dopo che il 15 novembre l’esercito di Kiev aveva liberato la città di Kherson sulla riva destra del Dnipro. La bandiera dell’Ucraina è stata appesa alla torre […]