Ucraina – Russia, le news dalla guerra oggi. Bombe e droni sull’Ucraina, colpita la capitale Kiev. Macron, “Russia smetta di attaccare civili e infrastrutture”

Read More  L’Agenzia internazionale per l’energia atomica (Aiea) invierà missioni di sicurezza in tutte le centrali nucleari ucraine. Lo ha annunciato il direttore generale Rafael Grossi, a seguito di un incontro con il premier ucraino, Denys Shmyhal. Putin ha in agenda colloqui bilaterali con l’omologo cinese Xi Jingping che avranno luogo entro fine anno. 09:05 […]

US, South Korea, Japan Pledge Cooperation to Block North Korea Missile Financing

Read More South Korea, Japan, and the United States will work closely to prevent North Korea from evading international sanctions and financing its nuclear program through illegal cyber activities, according to South Korea’s government. The three countries’ top nuclear envoys held a meeting in Indonesia on Tuesday to discuss North Korean nuclear threats, according to […]

New Zealand Places Lifetime Tobacco Ban on Young People in World-First Law

Read More New Zealand has passed its world-first legislation that bans young people from buying tobacco for life as it aims to make the country “smoke-free” by 2025. The laws prohibit all young people born on or after Jan. 1, 2009, from buying tobacco for life, meaning the minimum age for buying a pack of […]

Mathabo Makhaya wins top prize in the SAICA Top-35-under-35 CA(SA) competition

Read More Mathabo Makhaya, Group Financial Manager at Harmony Gold Mining and Chairperson of the Investment Committee Mineworkers Provident Fund, has been announced as the overall winner of the highly coveted 2022 Top 35-under-35 chartered accountants [CA(SA)] competition.  This annual competition recognises young CAs(SA) achievers who are not only excelling in their professional capacity, but […]

How the fourth industrial revolution is changing healthcare for the better

Read More There’s been much talk about the national health insurance (NHI) bill, which was submitted to parliament in 2019. The NHI is intended to create a pool of private and public healthcare funding and ensure that all South Africans have access to quality, affordable personal healthcare based on their needs, despite their socioeconomic level.  […]

Children’s radio station may close because of funding shortages

Read More At the southernmost part of South Africa is a rare treasure and much-loved children’s resource, RX Radio. The radio station describes itself as “by and for children” and is based at the Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital in Cape Town.  The station’s mission is to spread positivity, create awareness about health conditions, […]

White House glows rainbow colors after Biden signs Respect For Marriage Act

Post Content The White House was glowing the colors of the rainbow Tuesday night, hours after President Biden signed the Respect for Marriage Act into law. On Tuesday, Biden hosted a signing ceremony alongside Vice President Kamala Harris, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer outside the White House, where the president […]