Pentagon: No Sign of Alien Life

There is no sign of alien life, the Pentagon said. “We have not seen anything, and we’re still very early on, that would lead us to believe that any of the objects that we have seen are of alien origin,” Ronald Moultrie, undersecretary of defense, said.

Elon Musk, nuovo sondaggio ‘devo dimettermi da ad di Twitter’?

Read More Dopo aver chiesto ai suoi 122 milioni di follower se dovesse ripristinare gli account dei giornalisti sospesi, Elon Musk pubblica un altro sondaggio su Twitter ma questa volta sul suo futuro. Il proprietario della piattaforma ha chiesto agli utenti se si debba dimettere dal ruolo di amministratore delegato, assicurando che quale che sia […]

Ucraina – Russia, le news dalla guerra oggi

Read More Ultim’ora 01.34 1 minuti di lettura Edizioni locali Supplementi Repubblica Gedi News Network La Stampa Il Secolo XIX Gazzetta di Mantova Corriere delle Alpi Il mattino di Padova Il Piccolo La Nuova Venezia La Provincia Pavese La Sentinella del Canavese La Tribuna di Treviso Messaggero Veneto Periodici Le Scienze Limes Micromega National Geographic […]

Vote Counting Finishes in Fiji Election With No Clear Winner

Read More WELLINGTON, New Zealand—Vote counting finished in Fiji’s general election Sunday but there was no clear winner, and various political parties are now negotiating to form a coalition government. The election had pitted two former coup leaders against each other. Sitiveni Rabuka, who led a coup back in 1987 and later served as an […]

Up to 20m car trips predicted in run-up to Christmas as thaw brings flood risk

Read More UK drivers are embarking on an estimated 20m car trips to see friends and family in the run-up to Christmas Day. The RAC said traffic will build steadily from Monday before peaking on Friday and Saturday, which is Christmas Eve. Pressure on the roads will be heightened because of a strike by thousands […]

Call for wealth tax as UK billionaire numbers up by 20% since pandemic

Read More The number of UK billionaires has increased by a fifth since the onset of the Covid pandemic, according to a report calling for a progressive wealth tax to tackle rising inequality amid the cost of living crisis. The Equality Trust charity said interventions by governments and central banks during the pandemic allowed for […]