Weinstein Dodges Sentencing Enhancement, Faces 18 Years

Harvey Weinstein faces a shorter prison sentence in California after a Los Angeles jury failed to reach a verdict on whether the disgraced mogul planned his attack on a woman he was convicted of raping. Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Lisa Lench declared a mistrial on the…

Once homeless, Sam goes to university

Read More After 30 years of not touching a book, Simbirisiyo Mushanewana, 49, will enrol at Stellenbosch University next year, taking him one step closer to reaching his goal of turning his soup kitchen into a training centre.  Mushanewana — known as Sam or Sammie — is an Uber driver and the founder of Donations […]

Prelude to an apocalyptic, dystopian scenario: Russia’s war on Ukraine

Read More A brilliant two-part article by Irina Filatova, posted on the internet on 31 May and 1 June 2022, about Russia’s so-called “special military operation” in Ukraine (launched on 24 February 2022) described this uncalled-for interventionist war as a “watershed moment” — not just for Ukraine and Russia, but for the whole world. It […]

Qatargate, Panzeri collabora con i giudici belgi e scarica le colpe su Cozzolino

Read More Bruxelles – Un accordo per evitare risoluzioni contrarie. È questo in sostanza quanto affermato da Panzeri nel suo interrogatorio davanti ai magistrati belgi che indagano sul Qatargate, in cui l’ex sindacalista bergamasco ha parzialmente ammesso alcune delle accuse che gli vengono mosse dagli investigatori di Bruxelles: “In cambio avremmo ricevuto 50mila euro”, ha […]