Claudio Petruccioli: “Crescita e identità, così si rilancia il Pd”
Read More Claudio Petruccioli, ex Pci, già presidente Rai, la convince il dibattito congressuale del Pd?“Ho paura che il progetto del Partito democratico stia per fallire”. In che senso?“Ha ragione Pierluigi Castagnetti, che viene dalla Dc: l’identità del partito è a rischio. Io, come credo Castagnetti, ho sostenuto il Pd perché doveva essere l’unione di […]
U.S. forces capture six ISIS militants in series of helicopter raids in Syria
U.S. forces captured six ISIS militants in a series of helicopter raids in eastern Syria over the last 48 hours, Central Command (CENTCOM) announced on Tuesday. The captured terrorists include al-Zubaydi, whom CENTCOM describes as an Islamic State Syria Province Senior Official involved in orchestrating attacks in Syria. “These partnered operations reaffirm CENTCOM’s steadfast commitment […]
House committee votes to release Trump’s tax returns to the public
Read More A powerful congressional committee on Tuesday voted to publicly release Donald Trump’s tax returns in a move that is sure to ignite a political row as well as anger among some privacy experts in America. The Democratic-controlled House ways and means committee decided to release the documents, which the former US president has […]
Sen. Rand Paul mocks massive $1.7 trillion omnibus bill: ‘Hazardous Debt’
Post Content Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., took to Twitter on Tuesday to mock the 4,155 page $1.7 trillion omnibus bill that was made public earlier. Standing behind a cart holding all 4,155 pages of the bill, Paul tweeted “I wonder how long it would take the clerk to read this…” The cart Paul was standing […]
Scientists claim first discovery of mammal eaten by dinosaur
Read More It may have been a pressing fear for the fictional characters in the 1993 film Jurassic Park, but scientists believe they have uncovered the first known incident of a mammal being eaten by a dinosaur. However, the fossils from 120m years ago are not of a human ancestor, but instead the foot of […]
Children in hostels with ex-prisoners up to 55 miles from school, Shelter warns
Read More Children in temporary accommodation are living in cramped conditions and alongside former prisoners, in hostels up to 55 miles away from school, according to a leading housing charity. One 16-year-old from Manchester, who is sharing a single room in an emergency B&B with her mother and two sisters, described having to study sitting […]
Dems on House taxwriting committee vote to release Trump’s tax information
Post Content Democrats on the House Ways & Means Committee late Tuesday night announced the release of six years of former President Donald Trump’s tax returns. The committee voted 24-16 to release the information. Committee Chairman Richard Neal, D-Mass., said “every effort” would be made to remove certain personal information from the information that is […]
Ukraine’s fight in the sky shows no sign of stopping; ‘We need to be one step ahead’ of Russia, says official
“The war never goes on holidays. The war doesn’t celebrate Christmas,” Ukrainian Defense Ministry official Yuriy Sak told Fox Digital about the possibility of a ceasefire before Ukraine celebrates Christmas on Jan. 7. “Think about the worst kind of behavior that you can imagine and multiply it by five, and you will get the idea […]
Ucraina – Russia, le news dalla guerra oggi. Dagli Usa nuove armi per 1,8 miliardi
Read More In concomitanza con la possibile visita a Washington del presidente ucraino Volodymyr Zelensky, gli Stati Uniti dovrebbero annunciare un nuovo pacchetto di aiuti militari a Kiev da 1,8 miliardi di dollari. Nel pacchetto, riferiscono fonti dell’Amministrazione Biden, dovrebbero essere comprese batterie di missili Patriot e bombe di precisione per i caccia ucraini. 01:40 […]