Christmas miracle: Mom who thought son dead finds him 12 years later in France

A Scottish woman is celebrating a Christmas miracle after learning her son, whom she believed was dead for over a decade, is still alive and may soon return home. “I can’t believe it,” Joyce Curtis, who lives in Glasgow, told The Herald newspaper. “I thought with COVID and everything that has gone on, I thought […]

Manovra e rave, il governo mette la fiducia su entrambi i provvedimenti

Read More Il governo pone la questione di fiducia sulla legge di bilancio all’esame del Senato. Identica mossa alla Camera dove è in discussione il decreto Rave da convertire entro il 30 dicembre pena la sua decadenza.  Va dunque di corsa il governo Meloni. Per necessità, ma anche per seguire obiettivi autoimposti. È infatti per […]

Pan-European sleeper train to sweep Britons to Berlin from May 2023

Read More It hasn’t been an easy time to be a rail enthusiast, but the resurgence of the sleeper train on the continent is offering British travellers a tantalising prospect for 2023. A new pan-European service starting in May is opening up the possibility of jumping on a Eurostar at Kings Cross St Pancras on […]

Faint hopes that Taliban will relax ban on NGO women after UN condemnation

Read More Faint hopes exist that the Taliban may relax its ban on all women working for the non-governmental aid agencies in Afghanistan after the UN security council condemned the ban in a rare show of unanimity. Almost all the large NGO aid agencies operating in Afghanistan have suspended almost all their work while talks […]

Dementia patients in England facing ‘national crisis’ in care safety

Read More Families of people with dementia have said there is a national crisis in care safety as it emerged that more than half of residential homes reported on by inspectors this year were rated “inadequate” or requiring improvement – up from less than a third pre-pandemic. Serious and often shocking failings uncovered in previously […]

Michelle Obama says she ‘couldn’t stand’ Barack for 10 years

Post Content Former first lady Michelle Obama said she “couldn’t stand” her husband, former President Obama, when their children were young. “People think I’m being catty for saying this: it’s like, there were 10 years where I couldn’t stand my husband,” the former first lady said in an interview earlier this month with Revolt. “And […]

Pope Emeritus Benedict is ‘very sick,’ Pope Francis reveals

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI is suffering from ill health, Pope Francis announced Wednesday as he finished his weekly general audience. “I would like to ask all of you for a special prayer for Pope Emeritus Benedict, who, in silence, is sustaining the Church,” Pope Francis told attendees. POPE WARNS OF ‘ELEGANT DEMON’ LURKING IN THE […]

Ukraine security chief says Kyiv is ‘halfway to victory’ with the worst yet to come

Secretary for Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council on Wednesday said he believes that Ukraine is halfway through the brutal war against Russia that has raged for 10-months, but warned the toughest fight lays ahead. “Russia continues to set maximalist goals in the war with Ukraine,” Oleksii Danilov said in a post to Twitter, pointing […]