GCHQ chief: western spy agencies must ‘pre-bunk’ disinformation

Read More Western spy agencies should use intelligence to “pre-bunk” narratives pushed by Russia and other authoritarian states, the head of GCHQ has said while guest editing BBC Radio 4’s Today programme. Jeremy Fleming, who leads the largest of Britain’s three main intelligence agencies, said on Thursday the war in Ukraine had prompted a significant […]

CCP Now Scrambles to Save Economy After 3 Years of Extreme COVID-19 Restrictions Fail to Prevent Outbreak

Read More The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) held an economic work conference in Beijing a week after its sudden abandonment of “zero-COVID” amid exponentially increasing citizen reports of COVID-19 cases and deaths. During the meeting, Chinese leader Xi Jinping stressed the need to “vigorously boost market confidence” while expressing strong support for the country’s private sector. […]

Cody Fisher: third man arrested on suspicion of murder

Read More A third man has been arrested on suspicion of the murder of Cody Fisher, the semi-professional footballer stabbed to death in a Birmingham nightclub on Boxing Day.West Midlands police said a 22-year-old man had been detained after the death of Fisher, 23, on the dancefloor of the Crane nightclub in Digbeth, Birmingham, just […]

Elle Edwards: third person arrested over fatal shooting

Read More A third person has been arrested over the death of Elle Edwards, who was shot dead at a pub on Christmas Eve. Merseyside police said a 31-year-old man from Tranmere had been arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to murder. He is in custody, where he will be questioned by detectives. Edwards, 26, was […]

Il dibattito farsa con il ministro di Doha: “Panzeri scrisse le domande ai deputati”

Read More Una farsa. O poco più. Negli atti d’inchiesta del Qatargate c’è il racconto di una giornata particolarmente brutta, perché ha reso la democrazia europea una marionetta nelle mani di Antonio Panzeri. È il 14 novembre del 2022 quando Ali Bin Samikh Al Marri,ministro del Lavoro del Qatar, si presenta davanti alla commissione Diritti […]

Il governo No Vax spiazzato dal virus. Forza Italia avverte: “Comanda la scienza”

Read More La nuova minaccia che arriva dalla Cina spiazza il governo che aveva allentato le misure anti-Covid. È un ciclone improvviso: il ministro Orazio Schillaci prende la decisione dei tamponi obbligatori per chi arriva dal Gigante asiatico quasi trascinato dalle Regioni, in primis dalla Lombardia che aveva avviato il monitoraggio a Malpensa. Schillaci decide […]