The year in pictures

Read More Tragedies: A man carries the body of his son after a 5.6-magnitude earthquake killed at least 162 people, injured hundreds and left others missing in Cianjur, Indonesia, on 22 November. Tragedies: A man carries the body of his son after a 5.6-magnitude earthquake killed at least 162 people, injured hundreds and left others […]

Objects of Desire: Ultimate Gift Guide

Read More All gifts should have an element of surprise and a gift guide does not have to be a simple shopping list, but can rather be a blueprint for gifting. The best gifts are suitable, creative and thoughtful, but any two from this “holy trinity” will make for a good one. Remember that gifting […]

Gripping reads for the holidays

Read More The downtime in December lends itself to bingeing on delicious food, series, films — and books. But what makes a good holiday read? The choice of a festive season read is important not least because it will bring back memories of that holiday and vice versa. A holiday read can’t be too glossy […]

Archbishops’ inquiry to call for better dementia support in community

Read More Society must stop treating people with dementia as a burden and provide better care for them in the community, an inquiry into social care commissioned by the archbishops of Canterbury and York will say in the new year. The church leaders’ Reimagining Care Commission will argue: “We are too quick to dismiss people […]

Andrew Tate: influencer detained in Romania on organised crime and rape charges

Read More Controversial online influencer and self-described misogynist Andrew Tate has been detained in Romania on charges of human trafficking, rape and forming an organised crime group, authorities confirmed. The former kickboxer and reality TV star, who has been banned from a number of social media platforms for misogynistic comments and hate speech, was arrested […]

Minister said ‘elements’ in UK security services hostile to NI peace process

Read More The Northern Ireland secretary in mid-2002 told a cabinet meeting that “elements in the security services” were part of a potential “coalition” trying to frustrate the peace process. John Reid was briefing fellow ministers a day after Tony Blair had told MPs that the IRA’s ceasefire was not enough. “We could be approaching […]

Sardegna, operatore ecologico spara a due colleghi e poi si suicida

Read More Tragedia nell’ecocentro comunale di Alghero, dove un operatore ha prima sparato a due colleghi alle gambe, poi si è seduto e ha rivolto l’arma contro se stesso, uccidendosi. L’uomo avrebbe colpito alle gambe i colleghi e, solo grazie all’intervento di un terzo operatore, avrebbe desistito nella sua azione, che avrebbe potuto avere conseguenze […]

Pensioni, fisco e tante sanatorie. La manovra di bilancio da 35 miliardi è legge

Read More ROMA – Il testo, licenziato dal Senato senza modifiche rispetto alla Camera, è stato firmato ieri in serata dal presidente Mattarella. Due terzi della legge di bilancio, pari a 21 miliardi, serviranno a confermare per tre mesi gli aiuti a famiglie e imprese contro il caro energia. Il resto si divide tra assegno […]