Meloni (Pd): “Per il dopo Letta scelgo Bonaccini, ci serve esperienza”

Read More ROMA – “Le candidature alla guida del Pd sono tutte e quattro ottime, ma penso che Bonaccini abbia qualcosa in più: quella giusta dose di solidità, pragmatismo e cultura di governo in grado di tenere unito il partito, minacciato a destra dal Terzo Polo e a sinistra dal M5S”. È di Marco Meloni, […]

Debutta la riforma Cartabia, ecco come cambia il processo penale

Read More Da ieri le nuve norme sono operative. L’obiettivo è ridurre i processi, ma anche la loro durata del 25%. Il nuovo procedimento penale sarà più telematico, con possibili testimonianze a distanza e l’uso massiccio delle videoregistrazioni. Un intervento chiave per rispettare gli impegni presi con l’Europa sul Pnrr.  Prescrizione, non più di due anni per […]

South Korea to Impose Entry Curbs on China Arrivals Amid COVID Surge

Read More SK health authorities to limit fever drug purchases to deter Chinese from hoarding supplies South Korea announced on Friday that it would limit travelers from mainland China by imposing visa restrictions, limiting flights, and requiring mandatory COVID-19 tests. The move came after the United States, Japan, India, Taiwan, Italy, and other nations announced […]

North Carolina AG won’t bring charges against Mark Meadows over voter registration

Post Content Mark Meadows, once White House chief of staff to former President Trump, will not face voter fraud charges related to his 2020 registration and absentee vote in North Carolina, according to the state’s attorney general. “The State Bureau of Investigation conducted an extensive investigation into the fraud allegations against Mr. and Mrs. Meadows […]

Photo Gallery: The life of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, age 95

Post Content Move Back ADVERTISEMENT Skip The spiritual and diplomatic life of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI in photos during his time as Pope from 2005-2013 and photos during Benedict’s youth; he passes away at age 95. Start Over Move Forward

Who dares bins? Councils in England use ex-SAS soldiers to catch fly-tippers

Read More Special forces war veterans are being deployed undercover to help tackle the increasingly violent criminal networks moving into fly-tipping and the dumping of dangerous waste. Former SAS and special reconnaissance regiment (SRR) service personnel, who specialise in surveillance and “close-target” reconnaissance and who served in Afghanistan and Iraq, are being drafted in to […]

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI dead at 95, Vatican says

The Vatican announced Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI passed away Saturday morning at 9:34 a.m. He was 95 years old. He is most immediately remembered outside the Catholic Church for his surprise resignation — the first papal abdication since 1415 — and subsequent life as the world’s first “pope emeritus” in centuries. Benedict was born Joseph […]