Women, Children Among 1,200 Afghan Illegal Immigrants Jailed in Pakistan

Read More KARACHI, Pakistan—Pakistani police in multiple raids detained at least 1,200 Afghan nationals, including women and children, who had entered the southern port city of Karachi without valid travel documents, officials said Thursday. The arrests brought criticism from around Afghanistan after images of locked up Afghan children were circulated online. The detentions underscored the […]

Just nine passengers detained at Heathrow during Border Force strike

Read More The number of passengers detained for further checks at the UK’s busiest airport plummeted in the run-up to Christmas after the armed services were asked to cover for striking Border Force staff, leaked figures show. Just nine people were stopped at passport control and held at Heathrow over three strike days from 23 […]

Between lunacy and scholarship: being Leo Frobenius

Read More If one person could be singled out for doing more than most in bringing the art of Africa to the Global North, where it was enthusiastically embraced by leading avante-garde artists, shaping what became known as modernism, it would be German ethnologist Leo Frobenius.  Between 1904 and 1935 he led 12 tours on […]

In brief: A review of 2022

Read More Global health Despite the progress made in medicine this year, combatting global health issues was an uphill battle as diseases such as Covid-19, monkeypox and the Ebola virus took their toll on many parts of the world. According to a New York Times article of 18 December, “More than 5.47 billion people worldwide have […]

WHO urges Covid data ‘transparency’ as China prepares to open borders

Read More The World Health Organisation again urged China’s health officials to regularly share specific, real-time information on the country’s Covid surge, as the UK joined other countries in bringing in travel restrictions, citing a lack of data as the reason. WHO Covid experts met Chinese officials on Friday and “again stressed the importance of […]

Ucraina – Russia, le news dalla guerra oggi. Kiev: “A Mosca serviranno 10 anni a per ricostruire la sua forza militare”

Read More Mosca punta sempre più su Pechino per uscire dall’isolamento, sperando in una collaborazione militare. Questo il senso della videotelefonata Putin-Xi. Sul fronte bellico, la situazione sembra quasi congelata. “Le forze ucraine mantengono le loro posizioni contro le truppe russe nella regione orientale del Donbass e stanno facendo piccoli progressi in alcune aree”, dice […]

UK’s problems will not ‘go away’, admits Sunak after ‘tough’ 2022

Read More Rishi Sunak has blamed Covid and the Ukraine war for what he acknowledged had been a “tough” 12 months, and warned in a prime ministerial new year message that the country’s problems will not disappear in 2023. Often taking an openly party political stance, Sunak praised his government’s record and made no mention […]

Romanian Court Extends Andrew Tate Detention 30 Days

A Romanian court late Friday extended the detention of internet personality and ex-UFC kickboxer Andrew Tate on charges of human sex trafficking, Reuters reports. According to Reuters, Tate and his brother Tristan were arrested Thursday on suspicion of human trafficking, …