Sen. Rubio introduces bill to crack down on southern border ‘coyotes’

EXCLUSIVE: Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., is set to introduce a bill making it explicitly illegal for “coyotes” to smuggle immigrants and goods across the U.S. border. The “No Coyote Cash Act,” cosigned by four other Senate Republicans, would fine coyotes the worth of their transportation at the border and sentence them to up to one […]

IFP, EFF tensions escalate in KwaZulu-Natal hung municipality

Read More A war of words has erupted between the EFF and IFP amid an acrimonious split which could see the IFP losing some municipalities in KZN. The conflict between the two political parties on Tuesday escalated after the EFF accused IFP leaders of plotting to assassinate EFF secretary general, Marshall Dlamini. According to EFF […]

Meloni contro il vertice Macron-Zelensky-Scholz: “La nostra forza dovrebbe essere l’unità”. Il presidente francese al contrattacco

Read More BRUXELLES – L’ha deciso in aereo, in tarda serata, quando ha raggiunto Bruxelles. Infuriata per l’esclusione dalla cena con Volodymyr Zelensky all’Eliseo, sconcertata per la scelta di Macron di includere Olaf Scholz e tenere fuori l’Italia, nonostante i recenti tentennamenti tedeschi sulla fornitura dei tank. “Quella del presidente francese è un’iniziativa inopportuna – […]