DeSantis Critic Chided for Poor Twitter Grammar

Randi Weingarten, head of the American Federation of Teachers, the second-largest teachers union in the United States, is being mocked for criticizing Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Sunday in a tweet riddled with grammatical errors.

Oklahomans Head to Polls for One Issue: Legal Marijuana

Oklahoma voters will decide Tuesday whether to make the state one of the most conservative to green light cannabis use for adults.State Question 820, the result of a signature gathering drive last year, is the only item on the statewide ballot. Other conservative states…

Mastriano Considering Pa. Senate Run Next Year

Republican Doug Mastriano, who lost the Pennsylvania governor’s race last year by double digits, told Politico in an interview published on Tuesday that he is considering running for U.S. Senate next year.

Melania Trump Supports Bill for Women’s Suffrage Monument

Former First Lady Melania Trump voiced her support Tuesday for a monument on the National Mall commemorating the women’s suffrage movement. Since leaving the White House in January 2021, Trump has generally stayed out of the public eye.

London police seeking group of men who tortured foxes, set them on fire

British police are searching for a group of men who have repeatedly tortured foxes – including setting them on fire in East London. An animal rescue group called the police late last month about a fox being set on fire in a wooded area near Kestrel Avenue and Linton Gardens. A resident had reported waking […]

First of four Americans kidnapped in Mexico has been identified

One of the four Americans who traveled to Mexico last week for health services and was subsequently shot at and kidnapped has been identified by a member of his family. Zalandria Brown, of Florence, South Carolina, identified her younger brother, Zindell Brown, as one of the four victims and said she remains in contact with […]

Migranti, Piantedosi su Cutro: “Soccorsi impediti dal governo? Grave falsità”. Provenzano: “Le vittime potevano essere salvate, qual era la catena di comando?”

Read More “Soccorsi impediti dal governo? Grave falsità. Da Frontex no segnalazioni di pericolo. Prima richiesta di soccorso alle 4”. Così il ministro Matteo Piantedosi, nell’informativa in Aula sul naufragio di Cutro, che ha ricordato come da ottobre siano state salvate oltre 36mila persone e rivendicato l’impegno dell’esecutivo per riportare il tema migranti al centro […]