Biden warned as Russia, China flex muscle in Middle East: ‘Allies matter’
JERUSALEM–Two of the world’s most authoritarian leaders – Russia’s Vladimir Putin and Syria’s Bashar Al-Assad, who are responsible for the 21st century’s bloodiest wars – met in the Kremlin Thursday to discuss an expansion of Moscow’s military presence in Syria. The pact between two of America’s top foes raises new questions about whether the Biden […]
Australian river filled with millions of dead fish as residents complain of ‘putrid’ smell
Residents in a small Australian town are holding their noses at the stench of millions of dead fish that have washed up in recent weeks, clogging a major river. Residents of the Outback town of Menindee in New South Wales have complained of a terrible smell from the dead fish. One resident, a local nature […]
WHO blasts China for withholding info on COVID origin after data pulled offline
The World Health Organization (WHO) took aim at Chinese officials for withholding information that could shed light on the origin of COVID-19. “These data could have — and should have — been shared three years ago,” WHO Director General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said Friday, according to a report from the New York Times. Ghebreyesus’ […]
Bible college fires theologian for tweet against homosexuality, threatens to report as terrorist: lawyers
A Methodist Bible college in the U.K. fired a Christian theologian and threatened to report him as a terrorist because of his tweets in opposition to homosexuality, his attorneys claimed. Dr. Aaron Edwards, who taught theology at Cliff College in Derbyshire, England, was dismissed from the school after being accused of “bringing the college into […]
China’s Xi set to meet Putin in effort to weaken US standing at ‘highly significant’ gathering
The general-secretary of the Chinese Communist Party, Xi Jinping, is slated to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow on Monday, just days after the International Criminal Court (ICC) indicted the Russian strongman for war crimes. Xi’s visit is the latest sign of Beijing’s emboldened diplomatic ambitions, and it comes amid sharpening East-West tensions […]
Valanga sopra Courmayeur, una sciatrice morta e un’altra dispersa
Read More Il Soccorso alpino valdostano è intervenuto per una valanga nel canalone degli Spagnoli, in val Veny, sopra Courmayeur (Aosta). L’allarme è stato dato intorno alle 13 da sciatori che hanno assistito al distacco. Una donna è rimasta travolta e uccisa, un’altra risulta invece ancora dispersa. Entrambe provengono dal Nord Europa. Altri due escursionisti […]
L’attacco di Roccella da Annunziata: “La maternità surrogata? E’ un mercato di bambini. Il nostro modello prevede una mamma e papà”
Read More “Non esiste una negazione dei diritti dei bambini. Tutti in Italia hanno gli stessi diritti”. Lo assicura, a Mezz’ora in più su Rai3, la ministra per le Pari opportunità, la natalità e la famiglia, Eugenia Roccella. Una risposta alle migliaia di persone che ieri, con le Famiglie arcobaleno, sono scese in piazza a […]
North Korea Launches Missile Into Sea Amid US–South Korea Drills
Read More SEOUL, South Korea—North Korea launched a short-range ballistic missile toward the sea on Sunday, its neighbors said, ramping up testing activities in response to ongoing U.S.–South Korean military drills that it views as an invasion rehearsal. The North’s continuation of missile tests showed its determination not to back down despite the U.S.–South Korea […]
How the West Abetted Beijing’s Censorship of the Lab Leak Theory
Read More “Debunked.” “Dangerous.” “Unhelpful.” These were some of the terms heaped on the theory that COVID-19 might have spilled from a lab in China, accidentally or not. Suggesting the virus may have been linked to a Chinese lab would swiftly earn one the label of “conspiracy theorist.” That was the case for at least […]
Artificial intelligence institute set up in South Africa
Read More Africa is improving the way it solves problems through self-designed and self-managed artificial intelligence. (Getty Images) Africa is improving the way it solves problems through self-designed and self-managed artificial intelligence. This week, Communications and Digital Technologies Minister Mondli Gungubele, in partnership with the Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) and the University of Johannesburg, […]