Biden Rule Would Bar Full Ban on Trans Athletes, but Allow Exceptions

Schools and colleges across the U.S. would be forbidden from enacting outright bans on transgender athletes under a proposal released Thursday from the Biden administration, but teams could create some limits in certain cases – for example, to ensure fairness.The proposed…

SCOTUS: Trans Girl Can Run Girls Track in W.Va. as Suit Goes On

The Supreme Court on Thursday allowed a 12-year-old transgender girl in West Virginia to continue competing on her middle school’s girls sports teams while a lawsuit over a state ban continues.The justices refused to disturb an appeals court order that made it possible for…

China: Fentanyl Trafficking Is Crisis ‘Made in the USA’

There is no such thing as illegal trafficking of fentanyl between China and Mexico, China’s foreign ministry said Thursday, responding to a letter from the Mexican president asking Beijing to help limit illicit flows of the deadly drug.

Disney Fires Marvel Chair Ike Perlmutter

Disney called the removal of Marvel Entertainment Chairman Ike Perlmutter a cost-cutting move, but the billionaire businessman says he was flat-out fired. Perlmutter, 80, told The Wall Street Journal he was fired for butting heads with creative executives while challenging …

Che cos’è la leucemia mielomonocitica cronica che ha colpito Berlusconi

Read More Silvio Berlusconi si è ammalto di leucemia mielomonocitica cronica (LMMC). Si tratta della più frequente tra le sindromi mielodisplastico-mieloproliferative. La patologia diagnosticata all’86enne leader di Forza Italia, ricoverato in terapia intensiva all’ospedale San Raffaele di Milano, è caratterizzata dall’aumento di una specifica popolazione di globuli bianchi (monociti) e colpisce soprattutto soggetti in età […]