Sen. Ted Cruz lands his first major Democratic challenger in 2024 re-election bid

Saying that “we don’t have to be embarrassed by our senator. We can get a new one,” professional football player-turned Texas Rep. Colin Allred launched a 2024 Democratic Senate challenge on Wednesday against conservative firebrand Sen. Ted Cruz. Allred, a former NFL linebacker who later worked in President Obama’s administration before defeating Republican Rep. Pete […]

Pnrr, Ue ancora al lavoro sulla terza rata

Read More ROMA –  Qualche giorno di ritardo. Èquesto lo scenario più probabile per l’emissione della terza rata dei fondi Pnrr. Bruxelles è infatti ancora al lavoro per il via libera alla richiesta di finanziamenti da parte dell’Italia. Una tranche da 19 miliardi che sembrava essersi sbloccata nei giorni scorsi, quando la sua emissione a detta […]

Maltempo in Emilia Romagna, le ultime news – Esondazioni, allagamenti e frane: due morti. Cinquemila persone a rischio evacuazione

Read More Due morti e un disperso. E cinquemila persone a rischio evacuazione nel Ravennate. E’ un bilancio drammatico quello causato dall’ondata di maltempo che sta colpendo l’Emilia-Romagna da ieri. Le piogge torrenziali hanno fatto tracimare il Lamone, in Romagna, dove i vigili del fuoco hanno sgomberato diverse abitazioni allagate, senza luce e acqua. A […]

US, Philippines Call for Peace Across Taiwan Strait in Joint Statement

Read More The United States and the Philippines reaffirmed the need for peace across the Taiwan Strait in a joint statement issued Monday amid Beijing’s intimidating actions against the self-ruled island. President Joe Biden met with his Philippine counterpart, Ferdinand Marcos Jr., at the White House and issued a joint statement reaffirming their commitment to […]

China Urges International Respect for Junta-Ruled Burma’s ‘Sovereignty’

Read More China’s foreign minister voiced support for Burma’s “sovereignty” in a rare visit to the military-ruled country on May 2 as Western countries continue to shun the junta for its violence against civilians. Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang began his three-day visit to Burma—also known as Myanmar—on Tuesday, where he met with junta leader […]

SA’s economic system chews up, spits out workers

Read More Cosatu members march in Johannesburg. (Delwyn Verasamy/M&G) Last year, President Cyril Ramaphosa was booed and forced to abandon trade union federation Cosatu’s May Day rally, signalling the widening schism between the ANC and its allies in the workers’ movement. A year on and the president is arguably negotiating an even more strained relationship […]