Alabama Senate committee advances Republican legislation to ban ‘divisive concepts’ in classroom lessons

Alabama lawmakers on Wednesday advanced GOP-backed legislation to ban the teaching of so-called “divisive concepts” in classroom lessons and training sessions for state workers. The bill would prohibit schools, state agencies and universities from directing students and employees to learn a list of “divisive concepts,” including that “fault, blame, or bias should be assigned to […]

North Carolina Senate approves GOP-backed changes to community college oversight

Oversight of North Carolina’s community college system and its 58 member schools would shift toward the legislature at the expense of the governor and local school boards in legislation approved on Wednesday by the state Senate. Republican senators have said they’re pushing the legislation because they say more accountability is needed to ensure the system […]

DeSantis team hammers Biden’s ‘recession sidekick’ Jerome Powell after rate hike

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ rapid response team released a video Thursday dubbing Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell President Biden’s “recession sidekick” after the Fed hiked interest rates again this week despite concerns of a downturn. The Fed raised interest rates by a quarter of a point Wednesday in its 10th consecutive increase in just a […]

Napoli, lo scudetto può arrivare a Udine: ecco cosa serve

Read More La vittoria della Lazio sul Sassuolo ha rinviato nuovamente lo scudetto del Napoli. Per festeggiare già ieri sarebbe servito un mancato successo della squadra di Sarri, che superando gli emiliani ha invece allungato l’attesa dei tifosi partenopei. Grazie ai tre punti dell’Olimpico la Lazio si è portata a 64 punti, a -15 dal […]

Guerra Ucraina – Russia, le news di oggi. Osce: “Possibili torture sui bambini ucraini deportati”. Prigozhin: “L’uso del nucleare in risposta a un drone? Non facciamo i pagliacci”

Read More Nella notte la capitale ucraina è stata sottoposta agli attacchi “più intensi del 2023”, come hanno denunciato le autorità di Kiev. Bombardamenti anche sulla regione di Zaporizhzhia. L’Aiea ha lanciato l’allarme: “I russi hanno piazzato esplosivi ed armi vicino alle turbine dell’unità 4 della centrale di Zaporizhzhia. Proprio non lontano dall’impianto sono state udite due esplosioni”.  […]

NATO to Open First Asia-Pacific Office in Japan: Reports

Read More NATO is reportedly planning to open a liaison office in Tokyo, the first in the Asia-Pacific region, as it moves to deepen ties with Asia-Pacific nations amid increasing concerns over the threat of China’s communist regime. Nikkei Asia reported that the regional office would allow the military alliance to conduct consultations with its […]