Salman Rushdie Warns Free Expression Under Attack

Nine months after being seriously injured in a public knife attack, writer Salman Rushdie warned that freedom of expression in the West is more threatened now than he’s ever seen, according to The Times of Israel.

Top OBGYN Organization: Abortion Is ‘Settled Science’

The leader of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), the nation’s top professional organization for OBGYNs, has told an anti-abortion doctors’ group she will not participate in a debate on abortion because the matter is “settled science.”

Satanist Will Give Invocation at Texas City Council Meeting

The head of the Satanic Temple in Austin, Texas, is set to give an invocation before Tuesday night’s city council meeting in San Marcos, Hays County. Lanzifer Eligos Longinus, a self-proclaimed Machiavellian satanist, will start Tuesday night’s meeting, according to Citizens…

Ukraine shoots down 18 Russian missiles aimed at capital of Kyiv

Russia launched a massive barrage of missiles toward the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv on Tuesday, but Ukrainian forces say they managed to shoot down all 18 missiles before they hit their targets. While Ukraine has typically been able to deflect most missiles in a Russian attack, it has rarely reported a perfect success rate. Tuesday’s […]