Guerra Ucraina – Russia, le news di oggi. Erdogan: “Accordo sul grano prorogato per altri due mesi”. Il presidente del Sudafrica vuole andare da Zelensky con una proposta di pace

Read More “Lavoriamo per aver più sistemi di difesa aerea”. Sono le parole del presidente ucraino Zelensky dopo la pioggia di missili ipersonici Kinzhal piovuti su Kiev. Tutti abbattuti grazie ai sistemi Patriot americani, è la versione di Kiev. Mentre Mosca smentisce. Secondo Washington, un Patriot è stato danneggiato ma non distrutto. E dagli Stati […]

Comunali, l’analisi dei flussi dell’Istituto Cattaneo: “La destra si conferma compatta. Al Sud l’alleanza M5S col Pd funziona”

Read More “Non c’è stata una slavina. Una vittoria o una sconfitta netta”. Così il professor Salvatore Vassallo, direttore dell’Istituto Cattaneo, che commenta con Repubblica l’analisi dei flussi elettorali nel primo turno delle Comunali dello scorso 15-16 maggio. Considerato “come test della popolarità del governo e dei principali partiti di opposizione”, visto anche “l’impegno diretto […]

Lgbt+, l’Italia è 34esima in Europa per la tutela dei diritti

Read More La Giornata internazionale contro l’omofobia, la bifobia e la transfobia vede un’Italia alle ultime posizioni in Europa per la tutela dei diritti di lesbiche, gay, bisessuali, transgender e intersessuali. È il verdetto della Rainbow Map tracciata da Ilga, l’associazione internazionale a supporto di queste categorie. Il punteggio di 24,76% ci colloca 34esimi fra […]

US Charges Former Army Employee at South Korean Facility With Bribery, Fraud

Read More Soldiers stationed on U.S. Army Garrison Casey conduct pre-screening processes on individuals awaiting entry to the base, USAG-Casey in Dongducheon, South Korea, on Feb. 26, 2020. (Sgt. Amber I. Smith/U.S. Army) NEW YORK—A former civilian employee at a U.S. Army facility in South Korea has been arrested on charges of receiving $400,000 in […]

Failure to provide learners with food violates their rights, says Human Rights Commission

Read More The Democratic Alliance wants Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga to audit national school nutrition programmes. (Per-Anders Pettersson/Getty Images) The failure to provide learners in the Eastern Cape with food is a potential violation of the learners’ right to basic nutrition, the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) has said. Weighing in on the […]

Eskom load-shedding a second phase of state capture, says Gordhan

Read More Public Enterprises Minister Pravin Gordhan. (Delwyn Verasamy/M&G) Public Enterprises Minister Pravin Gordhan on Wednesday suggested the problems at Eskom were a result of a second phase of state capture gripping the country, and said “politicking” would not solve corruption in South Africa. Addressing parliament’s standing committee on public accounts (Scopa) on the problems […]

SA salaries stagnate amid chronic economic underperformance

Read More In a five-year review of take-home pay, BankservAfrica found that the average salary has not kept pace with inflation. (Illustration: Getty Images) The past five years have been the worst for nominal compensation growth in South Africa since 2000, with average salaries having fallen in real terms, according to a new report by […]

Xiaomi Smart Speaker – QBH4190GL 

Read More Control your smart home using voice commands, making it easier and more convenient to operate from anywhere in the room (no physical interaction required). Integrates with other Xiaomi products, such as the Mi Home App, allowing you to control multiple devices within a single app. Built-in OK Google smart assistant allows you to […]

SAA does not anticipate a clean audit soon

Read More It will take a number of years for SAA to have a clean audit, parliament heard on Wednesday. It will take a number of years for SAA to have a clean audit, parliament heard on Wednesday.  The national carrier, which went into business rescue in December 2019 and exited in April 2021, has […]