Japan G-7 Summit: ‘Critical’ meeting for top powers with Russia, China focus

The G-7 summit that’s now underway in Japan will present a key moment for some of the strongest nations in the world to make critical decisions on global crises, even as Russia and China weren’t invited to attend. “It will be critical for President [Biden] to leave Hiroshima with real deliverables, especially with Biden canceling […]

Wuhan University rule-breaking with AI-controlled satellite experiments: experts

Researchers at a Chinese university last month allegedly handed over control of a satellite to an artificial intelligence (AI) program for 24 hours, showing how far the country will go to find ways to get ahead using AI technology, experts warn. “Many Americans understandably want to hit the pause button on AI development to sort […]

Guerra Ucraina – Russia, le news di oggi. Sirene ed esplosioni a Kiev e in altre città. Gli Usa: “Non impediremo agli alleati di dare jet F16 agli ucraini”

Read More Ucraina ancora sotto le bombe. Sirene ed esplosioni nella notte a Kiev e in altre città. Ma Zelensky evoca il contrattacco. Ha riunito il gabinetto militare: “Le brigate offensive stanno andando bene. Ma non è il momento di fornire dettagli. Ci stiamo preparando”, ha detto. Il presidente ucraino parteciperà di persona al G7 […]

AI ‘voice clone’ scams increasingly hitting elderly Americans, senators warn

Generative artificial intelligence systems are already making it easier for scammers to con elderly Americans out of their money, and several senators are asking the Biden administration to step in and protect people from this quickly emerging threat. Sen. Mike Braun, R-Ind., the top Republican on the Senate Special Committee on Aging, spearheaded a bipartisan […]

US Should Strengthen Relationships With Allies to Counter China: Expert

Read More The United States should further strengthen relationships with its allies and partners to effectively counter China, according to Roy Kamphausen, president of the National Bureau of Asian Research. “We’ve strengthened our relationships with allies and partners, which is really an essential feature. The [Chinese Communist Party] CCP, is threatened by the strengthened US […]

Skype Calls to China Cannot Connect as CCP Tightens Control

Read More Users of Microsoft’s internet-telephone and messaging service Skype are reporting that they cannot connect to Chinese mobile phones and landlines. Skype’s Chinese operator has said the connection difficulties stem from technical problems; while Microsoft said Wednesday it is working to fix the issue. However, a China and technology expert says the Chinese Communist […]

Top Toyota Scientist Throws Cold Water on Electric Vehicle Push

Read More A top Toyota scientist warned against the sudden push toward electric vehicles for now, ahead of a Group of Seven summit in Japan. Last month, environment and energy ministers at the G7 conference in Hokkaido, Japan, pledged to reduce vehicle emissions by 2035, without announcing any deadlines or short-term goals in the meantime, […]

In the battle of superpowers, SA will always be vulnerable

Read More File photo For all the prodding South Africa to take a position on Europe’s first war in almost 80 years, it’s an impossible decision for a country whose economy is so intrinsically tied to both the Western and Eastern blocs of nations.  Along historical, political, economic and geographic lines, the country can’t afford […]

US ambassador ‘shooting blanks’ in guns for Russia claim

Read More US ambassador to South Africa, Reuben Brigety. Local arms experts have shot holes in the United States ambassador’s claims that South Africa sold arms and ammunition to Russia in December 2022.  This follows the Russian embassy’s own statement on Wednesday dismissing US ambassador Reuben Brigety’s claims that weapons were loaded on the sanctioned […]

Has Trump emerged stronger after the town hall session?

Read More Former US president Donald Trump. File photo In a rare departure from the cocooned echo chambers of right-wing media, the ultra-populist leader of the US Republican Party, Donald J Trump, subjected himself to an extended grilling on CNN Town Hall.  The high-stakes public event, held on 10 May, offered a tantalising glimpse into […]