South Korea to investigate over 200 possibly manipulated foreign adoptions

South Korea’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission said Thursday it will investigate 237 more cases of South Korean adoptees who suspect their family origins were manipulated to facilitate their adoptions in Europe and the United States. The new cases in the commission’s expanded inquiry into South Korea’s foreign adoption boom involve adoptees in 11 nations including […]

Francia, è un 30enne siriano e cristiano l’attentatore di Annecy

Read More È un uomo di nazionalità siriana identificato come Abdalmasih H., nato nel 1991, l’attentatore arrestato ad Annecy, in Francia, dopo l’accoltellamento di diversi bambini e di un adulto in un parco della città. L’uomo non era noto ai servizi di sicurezza francesi. Il movente e l’identità dell’aggressore sono oggetto di indagine e la procura locale dovrebbe […]

Maturità 2023: come sarà l’esame e tutto quello che c’è da sapere

Read More Tra i banchi della maturità, seduti davanti a 14mila commissioni, ci saranno quest’anno 536.008 studenti: 521.015 sono i candidati interni e 14.993 quelli esterni. La maggior parte dei maturandi viene dai licei (267.758), seguono gli istituti tecnici e i professionali. Ma come sarà l’Esame di Stato 2023? Anzitutto tornerà a svolgersi secondo quel […]

Wind Knocked out of New Zealand Flatulence Tax as Opposition Withdraws Support

Read More The world-first flatulence tax appears to have been derailed after the main opposition party in New Zealand pulled its support for the legislation. The National Party has said it will no longer support the He Waka Eke Noa, a partnership between agriculture leaders and the government that proposes farmers individually calculate and pay […]

Philippines Raises Alert Level at Rumbling Volcano After Rockfall, Quakes

Read More Volcanic ash spews out of a crater of Mount Mayon volcano during an eruption in Camalig, Albay Province, south of Manila, Philippines, on Jan. 29, 2018. (Romeo Ranoco/Reuters) MANILA—The Philippines raised the alert level at the popular Mayon volcano by a notch on Thursday, after detecting volcanic earthquakes and hundreds of rockfall events. […]

Sjava’s new album is a reflection of his journey

Read More Performing: Award-winning singer Jabulani Hadebe, aka Sjava, on stage. Photo: Darren Stewart/Gallo Images ‘I do not want to dictate how people interpret the music or influence how they feel. It is a personal experience for everyone,” says Jabulani Hadebe, known as Sjava. He spoke to the Mail & Guardian about his journey in […]

YSA Newsletter #1 Intro

Read More How much does the world of a young person born in the developed world change when their country reports a “good” growth figure and in this day and age, that’s anything above 2% I suppose? I would hazard a guess that it doesn’t change much. On the surface at least, their water will […]