Pope Francis working from hospital in stable recovery after abdominal surgery, Vatican says

Pope Francis is recovering well after undergoing abdominal surgery earlier this week, according to Vatican officials. The pontiff recently underwent a laparotomy and received abdominal wall plastic surgery — to the surprise and concern of Catholics around the world. “The medical team reports that the clinical picture is progressively improving, and the post-operative course is […]

Maturità 2023, ecco come funzionano le prove scritte e il colloquio orale

Read More Due prove scritte, nazionali, uguali per tutti. E un colloquio orale, con domande scelte dalla commissione che sarà metà interna e metà esterna. Ecco come sarà la Maturità 2023, salvo alcune eccezioni. Come quella degli studenti e delle studentesse alluvionati per i quali il ministero dell’Istruzione e del Merito ha disposto un Esame […]

Roland Garros, diretta Alcaraz-Djokovic: la sfida generazionale vale la finale

Read More In palio la finale sulla terra rossa parigina del Roland Garros. Sul Centrale va in scena la sfida generazionale tra il nuovo numero uno al mondo, il ventenne spagnolo Carlos Alcaraz,  e il serbo n. 3 Atp Novak Djokovic. I due non si erano mai incontrati in uno slam: l’unico precedente nel 2022, […]

Caso Tramontano, i primi esiti dell’autopsia sul corpo di Giulia: “Impagnatiello l’ha colpita con 37-40 coltellate di cui 2 mortali al collo. Non ha potuto difendersi”

Read More E’ in corso l’autopsia del corpo di Giulia Tramantono, la giovane 29enne di Senago incinta al settimo mese uccisa nella notte del 27 maggio scorso dal compagno 30enne Alessandro Impagnatiello, reo confesso dell’omicidio. Intanto, l’avvocato della famiglia di Giulia Tramontano, Giovanni Cacciapuoti, è arrivato all’Istituto di Medicina  Legale di Milano. I medici di […]

Is it moonshot or money shot in South Africa’s coalition land

Read More Doing a Pep Guardiola?: The DA could have a pre-season wishlist and R500 million for the moonshot team. Photo: Papi Morake/Gallo Images Thursday. Another day, another political conspiracy theory. This time, word on the political street has it that the tail may be wagging the dog and that the pre-election coalition pact being […]

ActionSA, EFF crowdfund ahead of next year’s poll

Read More In an appeal posted on the party’s social media, EFF president Julius Malema called on supporters to donate online, saying that “all peace-loving South Africans, revolutionaries from the African continent and the diaspora are implored to finance the revolution”. (Photo by Laird Forbes/Gallo Images via Getty Images) Parties want members to cough for […]

‘Paymaster’ in Namibian Fishrot saga granted R50 000 bail

Read More Marén de Klerk, the man wanted by Namibian authorities for his alleged role as paymaster in the ongoing multimillion “Fishrot” corruption case, was on Friday granted bail of R50 000 Marén de Klerk, the man wanted by Namibian authorities for his alleged role as paymaster in the ongoing multimillion “Fishrot” corruption case, was […]

Senegal’s democracy hangs in the balance

Read More DHAKAR, SENEGAL – JUNE 02: Sonkoâs supporters gather to protest after Senegalese opposition leader Ousmane Sonko jailed for 2 years for âcorrupting youthâ in Dhakar, Senegal on June 02, 2023. At least nine people were killed in clashes, and public and private properties were vandalized in Senegal following the sentencing of opposition leader […]

Unleashing potential: exploring the dimensions of utility management for world-class performance

Read More Edwin Diender, Chief Innovation Officer of the Huawei Global Electric Digitalisation business unit Innovative digital solutions are imperative in the electricity sector’s transition to sustainable energy The connection between technology and utility performance within the electricity sector is becoming increasingly vital. That was the big takeaway from the Huawei-led session at the recent […]

Two students and staff member injured in attack at Devon private school

Read More Two students have sustained serious injuries in an attack at an independent school in Devon. A third person, believed to be a staff member, was also injured in the incident at Blundell’s school in Tiverton in the early hours of Friday, and a 16-year-old boy has been arrested on suspicion of causing grievous […]