White House accused of US Flag Code violation over Pride Month display

President Joe Biden’s administration is receiving backlash online over its Pride Month display at the White House on Sunday as many Twitter users are saying it violates the U.S. Flag Code. Biden celebrated the LGBT community in a post Saturday, revealing a set of flags hanging from the White House that faced the South Lawn. […]

Novak Djokovic reaches record 23 grand slam titles after French Open final win

Read More Since his emergence, Novak Djokovic has used the dizzying bar set by Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal as inspiration, never doubting that he would one day rise above it. What once seemed unlikely eventually became inevitable. On another Sunday final in Paris, his seventh, Djokovic finally surpassed his great rivals in the most […]

Nicola Sturgeon released without charge pending further investigation

Read More Nicola Sturgeon has been questioned “as a suspect” by detectives investigating allegations of financial misconduct by the Scottish National party. The former first minister and SNP leader was arrested by police on Sunday morning but later released without charge, pending further inquiries, after voluntarily going to a police station. In a statement on […]

Bill Barr says Trump’s indictment is ‘very damning’ if ‘even half of it is true’

Former President Donald Trump is “toast” if “even half” of the material in his indictment is true, former Attorney General Bill Barr told Fox News Sunday. Barr made an appearance with Host Shannon Bream regarding last week’s indictment against Trump. He argued that the incident is “very damning” for the Republican candidate, who has claimed […]

Man attacked, beaten with bottle by squatters who took over vacation home

A British man who owns a home in Spain was brutally attacked by squatters who allegedly took over his Spanish home while he was in the U.K., according to European news reports. Identified only as Michael, the 52-year-old British man reportedly flew from his home in Liverpool to a vacation home in the Costa del […]

24 Ore di Le Mans: trionfa la Ferrari di Giovinazzi, Calado e Guidi

Read More La Ferrari trionfa a Le Mans. Poteva esserci un modo migliore per festeggiare il ritorno della Rossa alla 24 Ore dopo cinquant’anni di assenza e dopo l’ultima vittoria risalente a 58 anni fa? Nel centenario della sua edizione, poi? Complimenti dunque a Alessandro Pier Guidi, James Calado e Antonio Giovinazzi che hanno portato […]

Roland Garros 2023, in diretta la finale Djokovic-Ruud

Read More Parigi sceglie il suo re. Novak Djokovic e Casper Ruud si sfidano in finale al Roland Garros. Il 36enne serbo, che in semifinale ha battuto Alcaraz, va a caccia dello Slam numero 23 della carriera in modo da staccare Nadal e diventare il giocatore con più Major vinti. Il norvegese, che in semifinale […]