Japan raises age of consent from 13 to 16

Japan’s parliament on Friday raised the age of sexual consent to 16 from 13, a limit which had remained unchanged for more than a century and was among the world’s lowest, amid calls for greater protection of children and women. The revision was part of a revamping of laws related to sex crimes. Separately, Parliament […]

China condemns EU Parliament resolution addressing Hong Kong’s deteriorating freedoms

China’s Foreign Ministry condemned a resolution passed by the European Parliament concerning Hong Kong’s shrinking rights to free speech, even as Beijing seeks to restore economic links with the EU. The EU body overwhelmingly adopted a resolution Thursday citing the deterioration of the city’s freedoms since the imposition by Beijing of a sweeping national security […]

3,000-year-old sword so well-preserved it ‘almost still shines’ found in Germany

A bronze sword made more than 3,000 years ago that is so well-preserved it “almost still shines” has been unearthed in Germany, officials say. FRANCE’S HISTORIC MONT-SAINT-MICHEL TURNS 1,000 Bavaria’s state office for the preservation of historical monuments says the sword, which is believed to date back to the end of the 14th century B.C. […]

Quel patto tra Marina Berlusconi e Meloni per salvare aziende e governo

Read More ROMA – Aiutarsi e salvarsi vicendevolmente. Uscire insieme da un potenziale e pericoloso tunnel. Ecco il “Patto della reciproca convenienza” tra Marina Berlusconi e Giorgia Meloni. Un accordo siglato di fatto in queste ore. E che punta a mantenere lo status quo. In politica e nelle aziende. In una sorta di contrappasso dantesco […]