Maturità 2023, prima prova: D’Annunzio e Svevo tra le probabili tracce, ma anche Don Milani e la Costituzione. Guerra in Ucraina e intelligenza artificiale per l’attualità

Read More Il 21 giugno la Maturità inizia con la prima prova scritta: il tema. Quali potranno essere i contenuti delle sette tracce? Tra i poeti la lista dei candidati è sui nomiusuali: Ungaretti e Leopardi. Nella prosa qualche novità potrebbe esserci. Gabriele D’Annunzio quest’anno sembra essere tra i più papabili, in suo favore l’anniversario […]

Firenze, un’intercapedine accessibile dal giardino, un vano nascosto nei piani alti e un cellulare in un cassonetto trovati nel corso della maxi ispezione nello stabile da dove è sparita Kataleya

Read More Un’intercapedine con accesso dal giardino utilizzabile come nascondiglio, un vano nascosto nel sottotetto e un cellulare, è quanto i Gis dei carabinieri hanno trovato a conclusione dalla prima giornata di ricerche scientifiche all’interno dello stabile da cui sabato 10 giugno è sparita la piccola Kata, 5 anni. Gli uomini del reparto dei carabinieri […]

CCP Manipulates AIIB and Spreads Toxic Culture of Marxism: Former Executive

Read More A Canadian executive of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) resigned on June 14 while accusing the Chinese communist regime of manipulating AIIB and creating a toxic culture. Experts pointed out that the incident has again revealed China’s ruling Communist Party’s (CCP) infiltration in international financial organizations, which should serve as another warning […]

While Asian Stock Markets Soar, China’s Stock Market Suffers Losses

Read More Stock markets of several Asian countries, including Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, and India, have surged, some reaching highs that have not been seen in years. However, the Chinese stock market has faced significant challenges, struggling to escape a bear market. Financial analysts suggest that this declining performance reflects investors’ attitudes towards the future […]

Mentoring programme behind a new wave of young female climate advocates in South Africa

Read More Xoli Fuyani (left) with the girls during a beach clean-up with Beach Co-op. Photo courtesy : Xoli Fuyani On Mother’s Day last month, Xoli Fuyani’s smartphone was flooded with messages from the young girls in her non-profit organisation, Black Girls Rising.  Founded in 2021, the organisation trains girls between 12 and 18 to […]

1 000 mile es(Cape)ade in an MGA

Read More I would drive one thousand miles: Jordan Schmidt in the classic 1957 MGA Roadster sponsored by Cape 1000 organisers. Imagine an annual event in Cape Town, home to some of the most stunning scenery in the world, where the finest classic and modern cars money can buy carve through the picturesque landscape. It’s […]

Did Homo naledi bury their dead?

Read More A prehistoric cemetery? Wits’ Professer Lee Berger had to lose 25kg in order to gain access to some narrow passages in the Rising Star cave system. Photo: Luca Sola/Getty Images New evidence by researchers in the Rising Star cave system in South Africa shows that an ancient, small-brained human cousin may have buried […]