Guerra Ucraina – Russia, le news di oggi. Cremlino, raggiunto obiettivo smilitarizzazione

Read More L’addetto stampa del Cremlino, Dmitriy Peskov, ha affermato che l’obiettivo della Russia di “smilitarizzare” l’Ucraina è stato ampiamente raggiunto. Parlando ai media russi, una propaggine Peskov ha affermato che l’Ucraina era “altamente militarizzata” all’inizio della guerra mentre ora utilizza “sempre meno armi proprie” facendo sempre più affidamento su quelle fornite dall’Occidente. La guerra […]

Chinese Regime Announces Strategic Partnership With Palestinian Authority

Read More The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) announced the establishment of a strategic partnership with the Palestinian Authority on June 14. The announcement came during a meeting of the head of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, with CCP head Xi Jinping. During their meeting, Xi told Abbas that China is willing to assist the Palestinians […]

Four family members found dead at flat in west London named

Read More Four family members found dead in a flat in west London, including two children, have been named by police. The Metropolitan police launched an investigation after the four bodies were discovered at a property in Hounslow on Friday afternoon. The force said on Saturday that, although formal identification was yet to take place, […]

Antony Blinken begins China visit that spy balloon put off

Read More Antony Blinken, the US secretary of state, arrived in China on Sunday on the highest-level trip by a US official in nearly five years – one due to have happened four months ago, until a Chinese spy balloon was caught flying over US soil. Neither side expects breakthroughs during Blinken’s two-day visit, with […]

‘Just an ex-MP’: Rishi Sunak’s allies pour scorn on beaten Boris Johnson

Read More Close allies of Rishi Sunak on Saturday night dismissed Boris Johnson in contemptuous terms as “just an ex-MP” of no particular importance, as the former prime minister’s political power base appeared to collapse at Westminster. In a clear attempt to move on from the Johnson era after last week’s devastating privileges committee report […]

Joe Biden rallies with union workers in Philadelphia: ‘You built America’

Read More At his first political rally since announcing his re-election campaign for president in April, Joe Biden told a crowd of labor union supporters: “Wall Street didn’t build America – you did.” “If the investment bankers of this country went on strike tomorrow, no one would notice,” Biden said on Saturday during a speech […]