Video shows father climbing up theme park’s water slide to rescue trapped daughter

A British father has been captured on video climbing up a theme park’s water slide to rescue his daughter who had gotten stuck. The incident reportedly happened on the Togo Tower ride at Gulliver’s World in Warrington, located outside of Liverpool and Manchester, earlier this month as the child was celebrating their sixth birthday. “Sienna […]

Disperso sottomarino di turisti in visita al relitto del Titanic

Read More LONDRA – Un sommergibile usato per portare turisti a vedere il relitto del Titanic è andato perduto nelle acque dell’oceano Atlantico lungo la costa di Stati Uniti e Canada, facendo lanciare un allarme e un’operazione di soccorso. La Guardia Costiera di Boston ha fatto sapere alla Bbc di avere intrapreso una missione per […]

Direzione Pd, Schlein: “Supporto a Ucraina, anche con aiuti militari”. E agli oppositori interni: “Bene le critiche ma serve lealtà”

Read More Occhi puntati sul Nazareno per la direzione Pd, all’indomani delle contestazioni alla segretaria Elly Schlein per la partecipazione alla manifestazione organizzata a Roma dai 5S e mentre rimbalzano notizie su abbandoni in polemica con la linea dei dem. “Sono pronto ad una discussione e seguirò con attenzione la discussione in direzione”, ha affermato […]

Thailand Hosts Talks to Reengage With Burma Despite ASEAN Members’ Rejection

Read More Thailand on Monday hosted an informal meeting among neighboring countries to discuss with Burmese officials the cessation of violence in the military-ruled country, despite opposition from key ASEAN members. The meeting will involve high-level representatives from Laos, Cambodia, India, China, Brunei, Vietnam, and Burma—also known as Myanmar—according to Thailand’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. […]

5 Killed After Truck Collides With Bus in Hokkaido in Northern Japan

Read More A police stands at the scene of a crash between a bus and a truck in Yakumo, Hokkaido prefecture, northern Japan, on June 18, 2023. (Kyodo News via AP) TOKYO—Five people were killed and 12 others taken to the hospital after a truck collided with a bus in Hokkaido in northern Japan, according […]