Public school reading instruction overhaul clears Wisconsin Assembly

The way reading is taught in Wisconsin would change to a phonics-based approach under a bill passed Wednesday by the state Assembly, a Republican-authored measure that supporters say is designed to bolster flagging test scores. Democratic Gov. Tony Evers stopped short of endorsing the legislation, but his education department worked with Republicans on it for […]

Parental disclosure requirements for sex ed, gender identity clear Ohio House

A bill requiring public schools in Ohio to notify parents when they’re going to be teaching about sexuality or when their child requests recognition for a new gender identity cleared the state House on Wednesday over the objections of LGBTQ+ rights advocates, civil rights groups and school counselors. The proposal cleared the Republican-led chamber 65-29 […]

Pennsylvania eyes looser medical marijuana regulations

Pennsylvania state senators began advancing legislation Wednesday that would liberalize the state’s 5-year-old medical marijuana program by expanding the scope of who can buy it and allowing it to be sold in edible form. The three-bill package passed the Senate Law and Justice Committee almost unanimously. The bills won the votes of every Democrat on […]

Veteran Gets 55 Years in Death of Muslim Man

A suburban Indianapolis Army veteran was sentenced to 55 years in prison Wednesday for the road rage shooting death of a Muslim man after witnesses said he hurled ethnic and religious insults at the victim.