Heat Wave Scorches South as Fourth of July Approaches

Dangerous heat levels kicked in again Saturday for much of the southern United States as temperatures throughout the weekend were expected to reach a scorching 100 degrees Fahrenheit or even higher in several states.

Omicidio Primavalle, le telefonate tra Michelle Causo e il suo aguzzino prima del massacro

Read More ROMA — L’appuntamento, le telefonate, la lite per il debito. Poi il massacro. Michelle ha combattuto fino all’ultimo nell’appartamento di via Dusmet per evitare le coltellate di O., sei, in diverse parti del corpo. Dopo averla uccisa, il 17enne l’ha nascosta in una busta della spazzatura e l’ha trasportata su un carrello vicino a […]

Proteste Francia, i motivi: cos’è successo

Read More La Francia è infiammata in questi giorni per l’uccisione di Nahel, un diciassettenne, giovedì a Nanterre, da parte di un poliziotto a un posto di blocco.  Le banlieue – le periferie urbane che circondano le grandi città in Francia, con una popolazione spesso di cittadini francesi di seconda generazione, povertà e disagio sociale – sono esplose, come […]

Cosa è successo oggi 1 luglio

Read More Migliaia su Snapchat a navigare la mappa degli scontri commentando in diretta le “gesta” dei casseur. Sempre di più fucili e pistole in circolazione, derubate armerie Lukashenko conferma: si trova a Minsk. Putin invece non lo nomina, ma a poco a poco smantella il suo impero Il ragazzo è stato ascoltato dal Gip […]

Kenyan farmers say goodbye to blackouts and electricity bills

Read More Silk purse: Anne Mburu is a Kenyan farmer who makes electricity with a biodigester. Photo: Tony Karumba/AFP Kelvin Maina Njuguna considers himself a full-time farmer.  He rears cows, pigs, goats, and chickens on his 0.7 hectare farm in Kiambu County, about 25km from Nairobi, selling meat products to three butcheries, while also growing […]

The Audi S8: Subtle design, scintillating performance

Read More Effortless: The exterior of the Audi S8 has been refined A “serene yet ballistic lounge suite on wheels”. This was one of the descriptions that came to mind while I was at the wheel of the latest derivative of Ingolstadt’s flagship performance sedan, the Audi S8.  Who could forget the first generation of […]

SA banks brace for interest rate bust-up

Read More Two trends have come out of the recent batch of investor updates from South Africa’s banks: despite otherwise tough economic conditions, earnings are strong and bad debts have risen, leaving the sector somewhat exposed. Linking these two trends is the cost of borrowing, which is the highest it has been since 2008 — […]

We will not tolerate anarchy, Mbalula tells ANCYL delegates

Read More Following two days of disorder as the ANC Youth League (ANCYL)  fought over its registration process, the structure finally started its conference on Saturday, the first since 2015.  As deputy convenor Fasiha Hassan took to the podium at Nasrec to deliver the league’s political overview, some delegates were still complaining that they were […]