North Korea Fires 2 Missiles After US Submarine Arrives in South Korea

Read More People watch a television screen showing a news broadcast with file footage of a North Korean missile test, at a railway station in Seoul, South Korea, on July 19, 2023. (Jung Yeon-je/AFP via Getty Images) TOKYO—North Korea launched two ballistic missiles eastward early on Wednesday, Japan’s and South Korea’s militaries said, just hours […]

Disney Has New ‘Woke’ Fiasco With ‘Snow White’

Despite reports that Disney suffered a staggering $900 million in losses after its last eight studio releases were met with poor box office numbers, movie critics say the entertainment behemoth appears to have no plans of backing away from promoting “woke” ideology.

‘Sound of Freedom’ Shows Power in Conservatives’ Pockets

Film buffs aren’t surprised that moviegoers are lining up in droves to see “Sound of Freedom” – an unexpected summer smash that’s outperformed expectations and risen to the No. 2 spot at the box office while racking in mega earnings since its debut – as consumers continue…

IRS whistleblowers to testify on ‘undeniable pattern of preferential treatment’ for Bidens in Hunter probe

IRS whistleblowers are expected to testify at the House Oversight Committee Wednesday that they witnessed an “undeniable pattern of preferential treatment” for the Bidens, and “obstruction of the normal investigative process” throughout the years-long federal investigation into Hunter Biden. IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley, who served as the supervisor on the investigation at the IRS, and […]

La Russa jr, indagato l’amico dj Tommy Gilardoni: scoperto grazie ai voli da Londra a Milano

Read More Seguici su: Ultim’ora 09.19 Mafia, Mattarella: “La Repubblica si inchina alla memoria di Borsellino, combattere le zone grigie” La giornata di Laura Pertici Ascolta 2 minuti di lettura Supplementi Repubblica Affari e Finanza D Il Venerdì Robinson Gedi News Network La Stampa Il Secolo XIX Huffington Post Italia Fem Formula Passion Quotidiani locali Gazzetta […]

Via D’Amelio, Mattarella: “La Repubblica si inchina in memoria di Borsellino, combattere le zone grigie dello Stato”. Meloni: “Motivo del mio impegno politico”

Read More “Nell’anniversario della strage di via D’Amelio la Repubblica si inchina alla memoria di Paolo Borsellino”, Le Parole del presidente delle Repubblica Sergio Mattarella. È il giorno del trentunesimo anniversario della strage di via D’Amelio, dove il 19 luglio del 1992 furono assassinati il giudice Paolo Borsellino e cinque agenti della scorta. A Palermo […]

Guerra Ucraina – Russia, le news di oggi: forti esplosioni nella notte a Odessa

Read More Le truppe russe hanno lanciato una rappresaglia nel porto di Odessa contro le strutture ucraine, dove si stavano preparando attacchi terroristici contro la Russia usando droni marini, dopo che è stato colpito il ponte di Crimea: lo ha detto il ministero della Difesa russo. Mosca annuncia: “Sostituiremo gratis il grano ucraino all’Africa”. Incontro […]