Miss Italy pageant bans transgender competitors: ‘a bit absurd’

The Miss Italy beauty pageant has announced that it will not allow transgender competitors, and all entrants must be “a woman from birth.” “Since it was born, my competition has foreseen in its regulation the clarification according to which one must be a woman from birth,” Miss Italy Official Patron Patrizia Mirigliani said during an […]
Israeli man refuses to leave home he built into cliffside over 50 years despite eviction threat

An Israeli man who spent half a century carving out his home into a cave on a Mediterranean beach now faces eviction – and refuses to budge from his lifetime achievement. “I really love the sea,” Nissim Kahlon told the Tazpit Press Service (TPS). “I don’t have money to buy a home.” “I am not […]
Brits skipping on soap to penny-pinch during cost-of-living crisis: report

British people have turned to a surprising penny-pinching move during an ongoing cost-of-living crisis — skipping on soap during bath time. “We are seeing significant sales drops in the personal health care category, suggesting consumers are cutting back on products not deemed essential as the cost-of-living crisis continues,” James Lamplugh, commercial director at Reapp, told […]
Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu to undergo surgery for pacemaker implantation after health scare

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will have a pacemaker implanted Sunday morning amid recent health problems, according to Israeli reports. The surgery was announced in a Twitter video early Sunday morning. The Israeli Public Broadcasting Corporation (KAN) reported that Netanyahu’s statements, which were in Hebrew, were made before a vote in the Knesset about controversial […]
Nubifragio vicino a Cremona, maxi-grandinata e blackout : decine di alberi caduti, vento a 80 km/h. Quaranta minuti da incubo’
Read More Non si arresta la violenta ondata di maltempo che negli ultimi giorni ha investito la Lombardia: la scorsa notte la provincia più bersagliata è stata quella di Cremona, dove vento e grandine (con chicchi grandi come palline da tennis) hanno causato ingenti danni. Qualche ora dopo la tempesta si registrano decine di alberi […]
Cosa è successo oggi sabato 22 luglio
Read More Trentaquattro anni appena compiuti, il corrispondente dell’agenzia Ria Novosti è rimasto vittima di un attacco nella zona di Zaporizhzhia. Lascia la moglie e due figli La decisione dell’attivista di tornare in Italia con un volo di linea ha movimentato le ultime 24 ore Non si arresta la violenta ondata di maltempo che negli […]
ANCWL: Last minute horse-trading could see Mchunu and Dlamini camp merger

Read More Bathabile Dlamini (Oupa Nkosi) Horse trading and negotiations from lobbyists in Bathabile Dlamini’s and Thembeka Mchunu’s camps are said to be continuing on day two of the ANC Women’s League conference. The Mail & Guardian understands that Mchunu’s faction is trying to negotiate for the two camps to merge and form a united […]
Threatened Ethiopian cabaret lives to dance another day

Read More History preserved: A member of the Ethiocolor group performs a traditional dance at the Fendika Cultural Centre in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. (Amanuel Sileshi/Getty Images) A beloved monument to Ethiopia’s traditional cabaret culture, the historic nightclub Fendika, is running on borrowed time, having narrowly escaped demolition. Two decades ago, Fendika was one of 17 […]
1 Dead, 1 Injured in Portland Hospital Shooting
A security guard working at the Legacy Good Samaritan Medical Center in Portland, Oregon, was killed Saturday and another person injured after an unknown assailant shot them, reports Oregon Live.
Harvard Poll: Trump Tops Biden by 5, DeSantis by 40
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